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Wireless weather sensor app voor Athom Homey
MIT License
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Is there any possibility to add more protocols? #9

Closed PatrikBrodd closed 6 years ago

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

Is there any possibility for you to add more protocols? I need the "fineoffset" protocol that my pool temp is using. What do you mean with add a link to the protocol description? I'm new att this.

skarmavbild 2017-09-20 kl 21 46 32 skarmavbild 2017-09-20 kl 21 42 53

nlrb commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the links - the code describes the protocol pretty well. However, there are 3 different protocols in there:

  1. Fine Offset Electronics, WH2 Temperature/Humidity Sensor
  2. Fine Offset Electronics, WH25 Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Sensor
  3. Fine Offset Electronics, WH0530 Temperature/Rain Sensor

My guess is your sensor only has temperature, so you need the first one (WH2) supported?

nlrb commented 6 years ago

BTW: did you enable 'Alecto v3'? That one supports the WH2(A).

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

Yes it´s only a temp sensor. Yes I have all the protocols enabled. the temp sensor don't turn upp. Perhaps it´s Rubicson?

skarmavbild 2017-09-23 kl 13 55 10 2017-09-23 12 34 18 2017-09-23 12 34 24

nlrb commented 6 years ago

After googling a bit it indeed looks like you need Rubicson. That is assuming the TSS340 uses the same protocol as the TSS320 (which I believe I read somewhere).

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

Is there any possibility for you to get it to work?

nlrb commented 6 years ago

Can you get a recording of the signal?

nlrb commented 6 years ago

Just checked the Rubicson protocol, but that is almost exactly the same as the Auriol protocol (Rubicson has CRC info in the last two nibbles where Auriol has humidity). So if the signal was Rubicson, you would have received the data with Auriol set to 'on'.

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

i don´t get any data. The only data I get is from a outside temp I also have. skarmavbild 2017-09-24 kl 16 05 11

I think that I succeeded to record the signal.

nlrb commented 6 years ago

Do you have a longer recording? Normally the signal is repeated - I don't see a repeat signal here, so hard to determine what the actual signal is.

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

Is this better?

nlrb commented 6 years ago

There is no repeat signal, but the signal in there looks like Alecto v3 (48 bits). Also used by the WH2.

Can you download the statistics and add the json file here?

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago


nlrb commented 6 years ago

Good! Consistent data in there under Alecto v3. It just fails the CRC check as it is not Alecto v3 :-). Now to figure out what the encoding is...

nlrb commented 6 years ago

What was the temperature at the time of capture (21:27:33 / 21:28:21)?

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

I think it was 24'C

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

Here is a new one New

nlrb commented 6 years ago

So it did find the sensor once... (as WH2A)

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

it looks like it. but it dosen´t show upp in the Homey. it works fin whit my Telldus tillstick and its updating very often.

nlrb commented 6 years ago

Could you try to increase the sensitivity for Alectov3?

Change line 623 of app.json to "sensitivity": 0.4, and install via the CLI.

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

Wow... that is a bit over my knowledge.. I don´t really know how to do that.. Is there any place I can learn how? Youtube clips maybe? Sorry that I don´t know. I´m only a beginner att this.

nlrb commented 6 years ago

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

Okej. i made it! And the app is installed on the Homey. What now? skarmavbild 2017-09-25 kl 20 17 03

nlrb commented 6 years ago

Check if the signal is now (more) often received with the higher sensitivity.

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

Dosen´t show.

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

Now it showed upp in statistics ett25-09

nlrb commented 6 years ago

Ok, I see what is happening. I don't understand why it happens, but I've implemented a workaround.

Can you try the latest code from GitHub and see if that works for you?

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

Tested. does not seem to work.

nlrb commented 6 years ago

Please make sure you use the latest code. If I put your received data in, it works.

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

I don’t know how. Should I download and reinstall the entire app. Which I did or should I just replace a file or change code in a file?

nlrb commented 6 years ago

Yes, download all the latest code to be sure. You can check that this is part of the code in alecto/index.js:

  if (data.length % 4 !== 0) {
    data = data.splice(data.length % 4)

The re-install the app with --install or --run.

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

I deleted the app on Homey. And reinstalled with the new one. The sensor do not turn upp in settings. After 15min I downloaded the statistics.

nlrb commented 6 years ago

Did you check the alecto/index.js file?

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

yes. I found this.

skarmavbild 2017-09-26 kl 18 24 46

nlrb commented 6 years ago

Then the json file you sent doesn't make sense. It is impossible to have a WH2A with humidity 255 with this version. Can you take a screenshot of the Settings -> Apps page for this app?

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

Okej. Is there any other things that I can do to help you solve this?

nlrb commented 6 years ago

Yes, see the request for the screenshot above.

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

Sorry. don't understand

nlrb commented 6 years ago

Like this: image

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

skarmavbild 2017-09-26 kl 19 11 20

nlrb commented 6 years ago

As you can see you are running version 1.2.1. Latest version is 1.2.2.

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

Ops... sorry. now I have reinstalled it . I did something wrong.

skarmavbild 2017-09-26 kl 19 17 48

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

Now it shows upp

skarmavbild 2017-09-26 kl 19 20 22

skarmavbild 2017-09-26 kl 19 22 03

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

Hello again. My sensor works fine by the way. Thank you so much for all your support!!

I have a new problem... My friend also has ha sensor like mine (same brand). but a newer version. I installed you're upgraded app on he´s Homey but the temp Is wrong. it shows like -6.3 degrees when its +39 degrees.

Here is his stats.

nlrb commented 6 years ago

Can you download and test the latest version of the code and check it is OK now (incl. channel)? If there is still an issue, please create a new one.

clindh commented 6 years ago

I have many fineoffset thermometers as well. How can I install 1.2.2 to get this new support? The version on app store is still 1.2.1

PatrikBrodd commented 6 years ago

Clindh. You can find it here And here

clindh commented 6 years ago

Thanks Patrik, that worked fine.