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/kiinteisto-avoin/vectortiles - Style sheets according to Cadastral Index Map product #37

Open teezip opened 3 years ago

teezip commented 3 years ago

BETA (2021-03) of vector tiles for cadastre ( contains vector tile layers for property division of cadastre, and also multiple demo stylesheets.

There is also "official" Cadastral Index Map (kiinteistörekisterikartta) products ( available in different formats like:

Vector tile service has also different needs for presenting features and styles. Also vector tile presentation can be adapted according to zoom levels, and styles can be parametrized (ie. by horizontal accuracy) based on feature properties (that not as easy with other product types). So vector tiles need also different styling aspects compared to traditional (and official) Cadastral Index Map products.

See demo ( for study of different styles for property division vector tiles. And other demo links too (

There is need to define clear and usable style sheets for property division that is suitable to be presented over, at least:

Style themes should be compatible with other Cadastral Index Map products (however noticing differences on vector tiles technology and possibilities).

The task is to define style sheets to be provided as resource files with the vector tile service:

Customer feedback is wellcome.

teezip commented 3 years ago

Property division styling on other services.

Samples of property divisions with topograpic map on Map Printouts, see sample printouts (in Finnish) =>

Property division on raster (WMTS / WMS) map, see samples on service descriptions =>

teezip commented 2 years ago

Styles provided as BETA service.

See information (in Finnish) 2021-06 =>