nluetzge / LISA_acronyms_dictionary

Acronym Dictionary for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) mission.
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Commas within the descriptions are interpreted as separators. #2

Closed Osyrus closed 1 month ago

Osyrus commented 5 months ago

This is likely expected behaviour for a csv file, since, you know, "comma separated values". However, in this case there are only three columns so the subsequent commas after the first two can be safely ignored (at least for now).

Do putting descriptions inside quotes fix this?

nluetzge commented 5 months ago

Argh yes that happens and yes putting things into quotes is the fix. I usually edit the table in programs that do that autmatically.

Osyrus commented 5 months ago

I suspect there is a way to fix this with an alteration of the CSV read function, maybe the format parameter and something something regex... I may get nerdsniped enough to have a look later...

nluetzge commented 5 months ago

Well if we go this way we need something that works in Pyhton and JavaScript as well since this table is used for both, the GUI and the webtool.

Osyrus commented 5 months ago

Ahhhh, that explains why it works on the web but not in the python GUI, I was getting errors due to the uneven headers and data columns and was wondering why it was still working on the web. Ok, then that is a good reason to fix the CSV file itself.

nluetzge commented 5 months ago

Yes! Oh I should have tested the gui before merging 😬 It is alwo often giving me some problems with the encoding of the csv file. And with "It" I mean python.