nmakel / solaredge_meterproxy

Modbus proxy for SolarEdge inverters and unsupported kWh meters
MIT License
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[WIP] Add zeromq device #23

Closed bertybuttface closed 1 year ago

bertybuttface commented 1 year ago

I didn't have much luck with a TCP Modbus gateway so I now have a Raspberry Pi at each end.

This device lets one Raspberry Pi (plugged into an SDM-230, running sdm_modbus) be a publisher and the other Raspberry Pi (plugged into a SolarEdge Inverter running solaredge_meterproxy) be a subscriber.

This will also let me plug another subscriber in to get this data into Home Assistant without introducing any instability.

This pull request works with another pull request in sdm_modbus to show an example of how to use it: https://github.com/nmakel/sdm_modbus/pull/19

bertybuttface commented 1 year ago

I probably wouldn't merge this in it's current state if I were you but just gauging interest / seeking input. I am using it and it does work but it is probably incredibly fragile and there is likely a better way to do it.