nmdias / FeedKit

An RSS, Atom and JSON Feed parser written in Swift
MIT License
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ADD - New Item "Creator" #78

Closed maxime-killinger closed 5 years ago

maxime-killinger commented 5 years ago

Add the item "creator" use for example in medium.com feed

"The dc:creator element identifies the person or entity who wrote an item (OPTIONAL). An item MAY contain more than one dc:creator element to credit multiple authors.

The creator can be identified using a real name, username or some other means of identification at the publisher's discretion."


Signed-off-by: Maxime Killinger max.killinger@outlook.fr

modifié : Sources/FeedKit/Models/RSS/RSSFeed + mapCharacters.swift modifié : Sources/FeedKit/Models/RSS/RSSFeedItem.swift modifié : Sources/FeedKit/Models/RSS/RSSPath.swift modifié : Tests/RSS2Tests.swift modifié : Tests/xml/RSS2.xml