nmdias / FeedKit

An RSS, Atom and JSON Feed parser written in Swift
MIT License
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ADD - New Item "Creator" #79

Closed maxime-killinger closed 5 years ago

maxime-killinger commented 5 years ago

Add the item "creator" use for example in medium.com feed

"The dc:creator element identifies the person or entity who wrote an item (OPTIONAL). An item MAY contain more than one dc:creator element to credit multiple authors.

The creator can be identified using a real name, username or some other means of identification at the publisher's discretion."


Signed-off-by: Maxime Killinger max.killinger@outlook.fr

modifié : Sources/FeedKit/Models/RSS/RSSFeed + mapCharacters.swift modifié : Sources/FeedKit/Models/RSS/RSSFeedItem.swift modifié : Sources/FeedKit/Models/RSS/RSSPath.swift modifié : Tests/RSS2Tests.swift modifié : Tests/xml/RSS2.xml

nmdias commented 5 years ago

Hi, I haven’t looked at this closely enough, but FeedKit already supports the Dublin Core namespace. Have you looked under the “dublinCore” property of the parsed RSS feed? Check the supported features and the examples in the README file.

maxime-killinger commented 5 years ago

My bad, you're right