nmdickson / GCfit

Multimass (LIMEPY) globular cluster equilibrium models and fitting them to observations
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Feature/parameter run masking #180

Closed nmdickson closed 1 year ago

nmdickson commented 1 year ago

Adds the ability to apply a "mask" to a MCMCRun or NestedRun, which will mask some of the values in a given run chain, and thus change what is plotted.

This was designed to handle things like bimodal distributions, which of course do not show up correctly in plots based on median values and quantiles (i.e. plot_relation), by allowing cleanly separable peaks to be masked out. This really only happened once for NGC6723, and I don't suspect this is a very necessary feature otherwise, so it is not very fleshed out (for example, currently does not work perfectly for things like plot_params). It might be improved in the future, say to replace the reduce logic in MCMC runs, or it might just be removed.