The current networking configuration deploys a new VPC, public subnet and creates a new A record for an existing hosted zone (identified by the domain name).
This will make the following changes:
Batch jobs and Neo4j will use an existing VPC and public subnet based on their id values passed as parameters at deploy time
When the database stack is deployed, it will update the the resource records of an existing A record set on an existing hosted zone using AWS CLI commands and orchestrated by Makefile targets
Note: It will be possible to change the subnet from public to private at a later point once these changes are tested
# ./gfe-db/database/template.yaml
Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet
HostedZoneName: !Sub "${HostDomain}."
Comment: !Sub 'DNS name for ${Stage}-${AppName} server'
Name: !Sub ${Subdomain}.${HostDomain}. # HostDomain and Subdomain are passed as env vars at deploy time
Type: A
TTL: 300
- !Sub '{{resolve:ssm:/${AppName}/${Stage}/${AWS::Region}/Neo4jDatabaseEndpoint}}' # This value is available once Neo4j is running
The current networking configuration deploys a new VPC, public subnet and creates a new A record for an existing hosted zone (identified by the domain name).
This will make the following changes:
Note: It will be possible to change the subnet from public to private at a later point once these changes are tested
Environment Variables
These environment variables are added:
These environment variables already existing but are being handled by different logic (Makefile targets)
AWS::Route53::RecordSet resource (link)
Current configuration: