nmfisher / flutter_filament

3D rendering layer for Flutter/Filament
44 stars 7 forks source link

MacOS universal libs & repo cleanup #15

Closed daverin closed 6 months ago

daverin commented 6 months ago

Built filament macOS with -l flag for universal binaries:

./build.sh -l release

Also did some cleanup in the repo: 1) Since macos/src and macos/include are copied from ios they shouldn't be included in git, but copied at build time. 2) gitattributes made simpler for easier management 3) makefile shortcuts for common commands 4) fvm added to example project

nmfisher commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the contribution! We've actually been working on develop so rather than asking you to change the PR again, I just cherry-picked the commit (see 672952f). I also changed the Makefile target to sync-macos.