Open Schiano-NOAA opened 4 months ago
Attached is a csv with authors, ignore next column, and address for the NWFSC, SWFSC, and collaborators. Let me know if I can provide anything else or this in a better format. authors_NWFSC.csv
The information was generated using {sa4ss} and the following code
data(authors, package = "sa4ss")
everything_nwfsc <- authors |>
address = purrr::map_chr(author, .f = sa4ss::get_affiliation)
write.csv(x = everything_nwfsc, file = "authors_NWFSC.csv")
@Schiano-NOAA one thing to think about wrt an author's address is country. I know right now we are focused on domestic assessments but international collaborators with highly migratory species is pretty standard. And, in the future the assessment of sablefish may become cross-boundary. Feel free to make this a different issue.
Please use this issue page to request adding your name and affiliation to the archive of stock assessment authors across the U.S. This list is intended to be exhaustive, so we would like to add everyone involved across the country. There is no need to add any information other than your preferred first and last names as well as middle initial (if desired) along with you affiliation. For NOAA employees, please include the science center you are affiliated with along with the location of your office. For non-NOAA employees, please list the name of your organization with its address, city, state, and postal code.
NOAA Example: SEFSC-Beaufort
Non-NOAA Example: ECS Federal 2750 Prosperity Ave. Fairfax, VA 22301
We appreciate your contributions to U.S. fisheries management and your active use of this tool!