Open k-doering-NOAA opened 4 years ago
current code is in get_migration(), a copy of this has already been created as get_migration2(), so let's experiment there.
code does a linear interpolation based on age: // SS_Label_Info_20.1.1 #age-specific movement strength based on parameters for selected area pairs temp = 1. / (move_def2(k, 6) - move_def2(k, 5)); temp1 = temp (move2 - move1); migrrate(yz, k) = move1 + (r_ages - move_def2(k, 5)) temp1; migrrate(yz, k)(0, move_def2(k, 5)) = move1; migrrate(yz, k)(move_def2(k, 5), nages) = move2; migrrate(yz, k) = mfexp(migrrate(yz, k)); Ip += 2;
to create the new option, replace move_def2(k, 6) and move_def2(k, 5), which have units of integer age, with the mean fish length at that age.
we also want to have sex-specific movement per #60 , which will affect how migrrate is indexed and stored.
Also if we want movement to be responsive to growth, then it need to be stored according to each "g" platoon.
Imported from redmine, Issue #68519 Opened by @RickMethot on 2019-09-12 Status when imported: New
Consider making a new movement option that is a fxn of mean length-at-age. Then with platoons, the larger platoon would have advanced movement.