[x] SS3 testing and debugging completed (RM/IT/EP)
[x] Check artifact from the call-build-ss3-warnings GitHub action for useful warnings (RM/IT)
[x] r4ss updated (IT/EP)
Checklist for before release
[x] The following steps should be encompassed in the new manual release workflow and bug fix release workflow and can be deleted at a future time once the new manual release workflows have been used for a couple releases (EP).
[x] Manual updated and tagged in repo (EP) - address at least issues with the [v3.30.23 release label](add correct link to GitHub issues using filter: is:issue is:open label:"3.30.23 release" when available)
[x] Manual added to a GitHub release, include attaching a pdf version (EP)
[x] Code committed and tagged in repo as v3.30.23, which will trigger a GHA to build the release executables (EP) (Instructions on how to push a a local tag to a remote)
Release checklist
Initial checklist
GitHub action for useful warnings (RM/IT)Checklist for before release
release label](add correct link to GitHub issues using filter: is:issue is:open label:"3.30.23 release" when available)v3.30.23
version; update links to link tov3.30.23
in https://github.com/nmfs-ost/ss3-doc/blob/main/docs/index.md#links-to-documentation)v3.30.23
, which will trigger a GHA to build the release executables (EP) (Instructions on how to push a a local tag to a remote)v3.30.23
(EP) (get exes in the artifacts of the GHA that built the release exes)Checklist for after release