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20210320_LASKER_SpringCPS #29

Open alicebeittel opened 1 year ago

alicebeittel commented 1 year ago

@jrenfree Where can I find the rest of the EK80 raw data from 2103RL Spring CPS project? I'm working to package data up for NCEI and there are only 14 .raw files in here: \swc-stroage3-s\AST3\SURVEYS\20210320_LASKER_SpringCPS\DATA\EK80\RAW I did not see another folder for 2103RL...would they be combined with the 2107RL Summer CPS folder?

jrenfree commented 1 year ago

I see 2103RL EK80 data on both of the Synology drives. Do you know how to access those?

I'm not sure if the data on the two drives are replicates, so you'll want to compare them.

alicebeittel commented 1 year ago

@jrenfree I didn't think to look there, only looked on the servers. I'm connected to NAS2, but am having trouble connecting to NAS1. I tried the NAS1 address in the google doc survey notes and tried \swc-ast-nas1\ast-data. What address do you have?

jrenfree commented 1 year ago

Try this:


If that doesn't work, try this:


alicebeittel commented 1 year ago

Thanks! The first one worked.

jrenfree commented 8 months ago

Hi Alice,

Did you ever get this data sent off to NCEI? Can this issue be closed?

alicebeittel commented 8 months ago

I didn't have enough hard drive space with the two hard drives I have so I had to do a couple shipments of the 2019 data. I got the hard drives back early Oct, so now I'm working back to the 2021 data. You can resolve this thread since it looks like it is not with a project, I'm tracking it on an google spreadsheet.

jrenfree commented 8 months ago

Well since it's technically still unresolved then I'll leave it open for now.

alicebeittel commented 8 months ago

Sounds good. I hope I can get it shipped out soon with a second hard drive of data. I'll post here when it is done.