combines pull requests #120, #121 and #113, with changes from Jeremy Daily and Derek Held; plus some more changes made. In total resolving the following issues:
possibly rename Flagged Vehicle Performance Event to Flagged Vehicle Fault Code Event to avoid confusion. in progress -- #124
add Flagged Vehicle Performance Event to object model appendix in progress -- #123
fix the API version parameter in progress -- #122
Return 202 instead of 204 while processing export in progress -- #119 opened
Support 429 status for most endpoints in progress -- #118 opened
identify 'occurrences' field in J1939 in progress -- #116
servertime needs to be 'recorded' in the events in progress -- #115
resolve apimatic validation errors in progress -- #90
lint the default en translation JSON in progress -- #46
combines pull requests #120, #121 and #113, with changes from Jeremy Daily and Derek Held; plus some more changes made. In total resolving the following issues:
translation JSON in progress -- #46