nmfta-repo / nmfta-telematics_security_requirements

Cybersecurity requirements for telematics systems developed in collaboration with motor freight carriers, telematics service providers and cybersecurity experts.
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add UL 1376 xrefs #33

Closed BenGardiner closed 2 years ago

BenGardiner commented 3 years ago

[these actions were reviewed by the RFPCTL workgroup April 28th 2021]

There are several UL 1376 requirements which we think could easily be added as xrefs to the existing TSRM requirements.

UL 1376 1.1 Remote software updates supported: Software updates must be supported, using network or wireless interfaces where available

UL 1376 1.3 Software update authentication: Software updates must be cryptographically authenticated, and provide anti-roll back features

UL 1376 2.3 Protect sensitive data: Sensitive data must be protected against exposure and unauthenticated modification

UL 1376 3.1 Protect communication and debug ports: Communication and debug ports must be protected against misuse

UL 1376 3.5 Software free from known vulnerabilities: System software should be free of publicly disclosed vulnerabilities

UL 1376 3.9 Least privilege: Systems must implement 'least privilege', or utilize hardware based features to protect sensitive code and data

UL 1376 4.1 Sensitive services require authentication: Sensitive services must require authentication and ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data

UL 1376 6.2 Industry standard Wi-Fi security: Device must support industry accepted wireless security defaults for any Wi-Fi connections

UL 1376 7.1 Documented patch / update process: A documented process for the distribution of patches/updates must be maintained

UL 1376 2.4 Industry-standard cryptography: Industry standard cryptographic algorithms must be used for security services.

UL 1376 2.5 RNG with sufficient entropy: Random number generation must ensure sufficient entropy

UL 1376 3.8 Logs or errors do not expose sensitive data: Logging and error messages must not expose sensitive data without authentication

UL 1376 4.4 No direct execution of commands / scripts: No direct execution of scripts / commands using system interfaces and or user-facing components

UL 1376 6.1 Communications robust against replay and MITM attacks: Security sensitive communications must be robust against replay and MITM attacks

UL 1376 6.3 Authentication for remote communications: Connections to remote services must implement cryptographic authentication

UL 1376 6.4 Secure defaults and downgrade prevention: Security protocols must implement secure defaults, and prevent downgrade attacks