nmhu-nmfwri / FireAndWatershedSim

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Add scene for homeowner to find hazards #1

Open rob011235 opened 8 months ago

rob011235 commented 7 months ago
  1. Firewood stored on porches - reduce risk by moving piles away from the house during fire season
  2. Wood porches or fences that abut the house - reduce risk by putting flashing between wood and house walls.
  3. Wood and other materials stored under porches - remove or screen the entire porch at the bottom to prevent embers from taking root.
  4. Outdoor furniture cushions - remove and store away during fire season, when not in use; cushions act like kindling for embers
  5. Identify and remove piles of leaves, and pine needles from roof gutters on and under decks.
  6. Screen areas below decks and porches with 1/8" wire mesh.
  7. Cover the exterior attic with soffit vents with 1/8" wire mesh
  8. Enclose eaves to prevent ember entry
  9. Inspect shingles or roof tiles. Replace missing shingles or tiles. Cover ends of tiles with bird stops or cement to prevent ember penetration.
  10. Remove dead vegetation and other flammable materials, especially within the first 5 feet of the home.
  11. Keep lawn hydrated and maintained.
  12. Prune tree limbs so the lowest branches are 6 to 10 feet above the ground.
  13. Move construction material, trash, and woodpiles at least 30 feet away from the home.
  14. Dispose of branches, weeds, leaves, pine needles, and grass clippings.