nmilosev / pytorch-arm-builds

Unofficial PyTorch and torchvision builds for ARM devices
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Build process for python3.6 #6

Open marcusvlc opened 5 years ago

marcusvlc commented 5 years ago

How can I be doing this build process with python3.6? I installed python with the command sudo dnf install python36 and tried to change the following command below:

sed -i "s / 'armv7hnl', 'armv8hl' / 'armv7hnl', 'armv7hcnl', 'armv8hl' /" /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dnf/rpm/__init__.py
alias dnf = 'dnf --releasever = 30 --forcearch = armv7hl --repo = fedora --repo = updates'

I tried changing from python3.7 to python3.6 and got a directory error not found. Never worked with fedora, could you tell me what's missing? Thanks for listening.

nmilosev commented 5 years ago

DNF is for python 3.7, so your change is ok.

If you want to build pytorch for 3.6 just run python3.6 setup.py install instead of python3 setup.py install.