nmitch31 / Lacrosse-Website

A site about the sport of Lacrosse, and how it came to be what it is today.
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Project Peer Review #2

Open dfruge1 opened 1 year ago

dfruge1 commented 1 year ago

Hey I really like how you were able to incorporate various videos into your site. Also, adding the social media area was a brilliant idea, I really like what the home page shows the audience.

Technical Suggestions:

  1. The first technical issue that I spotted was the free space within the various tables on the Evolution page. The project requires that we use a table, but I think it would be better to minimize the amount of tables you used. So that you have more information centered in one space to make up for the empty spots. So just do one table, with several rows and columns.
  2. On the "The Stick" page instead of floating the content to the right, center it so that everything looks more balanced in content and free space.

Content Suggestions: 1.On the "Rules" page add a background image to make your page look more dynamic, and just to add more color.

  1. On the "Donate" page add a brief description about what the donations are going towards, just to provide visitors with quick insight into what their money is gonna be put towards.
nmitch31 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback!