nmoehrle / mvs-texturing

Algorithm to texture 3D reconstructions from multi-view stereo images
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Confusion With ViewSelection Issues #176

Closed RealityTracer closed 3 years ago

RealityTracer commented 3 years ago

I have Followed the amazing work of your team at nmoehrle/mvs-texturing: Algorithm to texture 3D reconstructions from multi-view stereo images (github.com) since 2015, from which I have learned lots of detailed technique about texturing based on UAV images.I do feel appreciative for your sharing from the bottom of my heart. Recently,I am focusing on the simplification of textured meshes based on your work.However, I encountered some confusion about the 'view selection' process. In your previous version, the view labeling set is generated through the 'GCO' with α-expansion by default. In the new version, I found that the energy minimizationhad been turned into MAPMAP. I have tested both of the two optimizations with the data in the accessory, and found that the label set generated by MAPMAP is more scattered than GCO. I also visualized the label sets of the two optimization and noticed that both of them can't achieve the minimal energy, and thus some faces' labels are not the optimal. To present my issue clearly, I also attached another MicroOfficeWord file(problem.docx) to show the issue. problem.docx

Could you please test the data in theaccessory and give me some explanation? Because here I can't upload my testing data, if you wanna them please contact my email(294618463@qq.com), thanks a lot

RealityTracer commented 3 years ago

Sry,the reason of my problem is the mesh contains noise!