nmoehrle / mvs-texturing

Algorithm to texture 3D reconstructions from multi-view stereo images
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Textured .obj generated from texrecon is not able to be viewed in Xcode Swift #198

Open higurekon opened 1 year ago

higurekon commented 1 year ago

Hello, has anyone else had a use case like this?

I have an issue with the .obj file that I generate using the texrecon function call. When I am trying to view the textured model in Swift, using the following code:

let scene = SCNScene(named: "HeadModel3D.obj") self.sceneView.scene = scene

The issue is nothing ends up being displayed in the preview window. There is no indication the model is present. This doesn't happen with other textured .obj files I try to use online; those ones work just fine and display with the color textures successfully. I was wondering if there was a specific setting about the .objs generated with MVS Texturing that makes it not work.

Below are the parameters I passed to texrecon.

'--outlier_removal=gauss_damping' '--tone_mapping=none' '--data_term=gmi' '--no_intermediate_results' '-Seye_mask' '-Veye_mask/views_per_segment.json' 'extracted_highres_kfs/normalized_calibration.json' 'fused_point_cloud_normals_meshed_smoothed.ply' 'dense_reconstructions/HeadModel3D'