nmoehrle / mvs-texturing

Algorithm to texture 3D reconstructions from multi-view stereo images
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Mac OS error during cmake (FindTBB) #205

Open cogitas3d opened 1 year ago

cogitas3d commented 1 year ago

Hey there!

Im having problems during the build of texrecon:

cogitas3d@MBP-de-Cicero compilar % cmake .. -Wno-dev
-- Setting build type to 'RELWITHDEBINFO' as none was specified.
CMake Error at elibs/tbb/FindTBB.cmake:187 (file):
  file failed to open for reading (No such file or directory):

Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:16 (FIND_PACKAGE)

-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_CXX (missing: OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS OpenMP_CXX_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND OpenMP_CXX_FOUND) 
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

I installed tbb with brew, but apparently do not recognize it.

WayneChou1 commented 1 year ago

@cogitas3d Did you solve this problem