nmoya / whatsapp-parser

Parser to the What's App log file.
MIT License
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Updates #6

Closed gtadiparthi closed 7 years ago

gtadiparthi commented 8 years ago

Added dateline.py and main.py.

nmoya commented 8 years ago

@gtadiparthi I'm sorry to bother you again, but it is still not quite right.

Take a look at the Pull Request (PR). It is a summary of all the differences between gtadiparthi:updates and nmoya:master.

So your branch (updates) is 7 commits ahead of my branch master. So if this PR is accepted we are adding all this 7 commits to my master branch. A few of those commits are removing the tests folder, so If I merge them, the test folder will be removed from the repository.

You need to open a Pull Request on a local branch of yours that have only the differences that you really want to contribute and merge. (chat.py and datetime.py).

When I said in the other PR to create a local branch and then re-open the PR, I should have added one detail: When you create a branch, you are basing your work in another branch. So in your case, when you created updates branch you branched your master branch. Meaning that all the commits in your master were carried on to your updates branch. And then you opened the PR and there are 7 commits, even though you just committed 4 times in the updates branch.

So what you should do now is to create a new branch that is based in my master, not yours. Manually copy your latest version of datelib.py and add your modifications of main.pyin chat.py, since main.py was removed in the current version of my master. You can see the differences that you were adding to main.py through here (https://github.com/gtadiparthi/whatsapp-parser/commit/2ee0d0eadc2fdb9a515cc53fc69d3e2e0c6471b8).

In order to do that:

git remote add nmoya https://github.com/nmoya/whatsapp-parser.git             // Adds a variable nmoya with the URL of my git repository.
git fetch nmoya     // Make sure that you have the latest version of all my branches.
git checkout -b updates2 nmoya/master   // creates a branch updates2 based in nmoya/master

You will see that your changes will "disappear" when you go to this branch. Git is just showing you how the project look like in a branch based in the master version. So go back to your branch, git checkout updates, manually copy main.py and datelib.py, come back to updates2 (git checkout updates2), paste both files. Open main.py in a text editor copy the code segments that you added and paste in chat.py, delete main.py add chat.py and datelib.py in a commit and open a PR requesting a merge between nmoya:master and gtadiparthi:updates2.

Let me know if you run into trouble.

manu-chroma commented 7 years ago

closing due to no activity for long period of time.