Open claramicro opened 10 months ago
Hi Clara, sorry for the late response. You are right, that link appears to no longer work. I am working on a fix and will advise when completed.
Hi Clara, This fix should work.
you need to run the following commands on the 'tormes-setup' file that will be located in your (conda or mambaforge)/envs/tormes-1.3.0/bin folder.
The commands can be run 'as is' one at a time. the '*' in the filepath allows the command to work with either conda or mamba installation directories.
rm -ri ~/*/envs/tormes-1.3.0/db/minikraken-DB
sed -i 's@ftp:\/\/ftp\.ccb\.jhu\.edu\/pub\/data\/kraken2_dbs\/minikraken_8GB_202003\.tgz@https:\/\/\/kraken\/k2_standard_08gb_20231009.tar.gz@g' ~/*/envs/tormes-1.3.0/bin/tormes-setup
sed -i 's/minikraken_8GB_202003.tgz/k2_standard_08gb_20231009.tar.gz/g' ~/*/envs/tormes-1.3.0/bin/tormes-setup
sed -i 's@\/minikraken_8GB_20200312@@g' ~/*/envs/tormes-1.3.0/bin/tormes-setup
after you have run these commands, activate your tormes environment and run the tormes-setup step of the installation again.
let me know how you go.
cheers Brad
while tormes-setup there is no conection with the web Connecting nto ( \\ :21...failed: Conection timed out
I think that since 2020 the downloading of kraken2 database have changed but i dont know how to avoid the step in the instalation. Thks you so much