nmrf / sadata

Samoa's Human Rights National Mechanism for Reporting and Follow-up (NMRF) - Client-side application
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Cycle not showing when logged out #18

Closed ashbowe closed 6 years ago

ashbowe commented 6 years ago

Odd little bug - when you are logged out it shows all of the recommendations as having no cycle (see attached) but when you login they have all been allocated a cycle rec issue

tmfrnz commented 6 years ago

Very odd indeed! Will investigate...

tmfrnz commented 6 years ago

Apparently cycles are not available when not logged in https://sadata-staging.firebaseapp.com/categories/2

tmfrnz commented 6 years ago

It appears that draft is set to true in the database for the 2 cycles available. Will set to false.

tmfrnz commented 6 years ago

Updated database. Leaving this issue open to further investigate the root cause of the draft field (categories should never be set to draft)

tmfrnz commented 6 years ago

Please refer to https://github.com/impactoss/impactoss-server/issues/276