nmrodriguez / language_program_survey

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Paper outline #3

Open nmrodriguez opened 1 year ago

nmrodriguez commented 1 year ago

I think for now the easiest thing is for us to just make edits to this issue/comment.

Here is what I have so far:

nmrodriguez commented 1 year ago

Methods update:

Information to add under the participant section:

Students who were taking in person and online Spanish language classes at a Big 10 northeastern university were asked to complete the survey. A total number of 87 people responded (update this with final count from Qualtrics). The data from 6 surveys were removed due to incomplete responses. The participants were compensated with extra credit towards their homework grades in their Spanish courses for completing the survey. They were all typical university aged students (ages from 18-25) except one student, who belongs to the 25-35 age range. [I don't know if this will be relevant, probably not, but we could include: 35 of the students were first years, 27 were second years, 11 were third years, and 9 were fourth years. Of the # participants who completed the survey, 23 were taking a fully asynchronous online Spanish class, 51 were taking an in person class, and 7 were taking a hybrid course.

We also collected information about their linguistic backgrounds. Of the # of participants, 37 of the students speak another language besides English and Spanish. The participants reported learning Spanish between the ages of X and X. They had reported learning Spanish in X setting. X number of participants had taken X number of years of Spanish in a high school setting. X students have never taken Spanish courses prior to this course. (look up this information in the survey)

Additionally, we collected information about their work and commuting lives of these participants to be able to make judgements about how these factors impact learning attitudes. The students ranged from living on campus (32 students) to living relatively close to campus 5-15 miles away (17 students), to living 15+ miles away from campus and having a long commute (33 students). As for their working schedules, 51 students reported to not be currently working while attending university while 31 students are currently studying and working at the same time. Of those 31 students who are working, five work between zero and five hours a week, ten work between five to ten hours a week, ten work between ten to fifteen hours and week and six work more than fifteen hours a week.

Survey Instrument description: The survey was created on Qualtrics. It was distributed via an online anonymous link to undergraduate students taking Spanish courses in a large university in the northeast United States and it took an average of # minutes to complete (find this info on qualtrics). In total, the participants answered 46 questions. The questions were divided into 4 sections (background information, online learning tools/accessibility, attitudes, and enrollment) that each aimed to gather information about different factors that might impact the responses. The background information section asked questions about their age, how long they have studied Spanish, how far they live away from campus, and if they are working. The online learning tools/accessibility questions asked how comfortable they felt using the learning management systems that their courses are using and how readily accessible stable Wifi, a computer or tablet, and the software and other technologies are that are required for the courses that they are taking. The attitudes section aimed to gather the participants' thoughts about learning languages in person and in online settings, their motivations for taking a language course, and how they feel their language abilities have progressed. The last section, enrollment, asked questions about school-work balance and the reasons why they enroll in online courses.

nmrodriguez commented 1 year ago

For RQs:

We have to decide the direction we want to go with this particular paper, I think we discussed and agreed to something along the lines of online classes + effectiveness of language program + attitudes? If that's the case, our RQs would be something like

^^ whatever you can think of/add/edit here would be great.

IvanAndreuRascon commented 1 year ago

** Add to Qualtrics Survey Instrument description: The aforementioned sections of the survey followed a mixed-methods design to examine students’ perspectives through an interaction of quantitative and qualitative questions. By using open-ended and close-ended questionnaires we were able to collect, contrast and students’ testimonies. The mixed-methods design of this study allowed us to compare open-ended questions, with close-ended questions obtaining tendencies, preferences, as well as attitudes toward enrolment. Close-ended quantitative questions were presented in a scale from 5 to 1 in the questionnaire, with a 5 being valued as “very useful” and a 1 as “not very useful”.

 Insert/ decide more theoretical approaches.

Our premise in this research study is to gather information from our current students who are in an educational environment that has been in continuous change for the past few years. The effects of this ever-changing learning environment have affected students and continue to affect modulating the way they interact with and view their education. Post-pandemic effects, along with world socio-economic changes, have brought a new educational reality that affects tendencies toward enrollment. Having a better understanding of the constant change of tendencies that affect our students can help us not only in providing them with adequate tools to succeed but also help us in providing courses that match their needs and expectations.

IvanAndreuRascon commented 1 year ago

For RQs:

We have to decide the direction we want to go with this particular paper, I think we discussed and agreed to something along the lines of online classes + effectiveness of language program + attitudes? If that's the case, our RQs would be something like

  • How effective are online classes according to self-reported measures of language abilities?
  • Something else about attitudes towards online learning
  • Something about post COVID? or asynchronous classes?

^^ whatever you can think of/add/edit here would be great.

• RQ: How do post-pandemic effects modulate tendencies in new enrollment? What are the attitudes toward online vs face to face education within this new social

• #vomitodeideas (creo que lo deberíamos de vender como nuevas tendencias que surgen en respuesta a nueva realidad social – es decir, this is what is happening now/ this is why it matters – 2021 papers are already too old.) Communtes, work schedules (post-pandemic effects) even inflation affect our reality – therefore affect how students choose to enroll. Argument points: we need to think about this and relate to the future. Online or not online that is the question.

  1. Distance from campus
  2. Progress and actitudes online vs face to face
  3. Percentage of students that work
  4. Confidence in usage of technology
  5. Teaching effectiveness face to face vs online
  6. Attitudes face to face vs online

Para el TO DO list:

nmrodriguez commented 1 year ago

For formatting stuff that we need to keep in mind, according to: https://journals.sagepub.com/author-instructions/LTR

"Articles are generally restricted to 8,000 words - excluding references, tables, appendix. On occasion, longer manuscripts can be considered where appropriate."

nmrodriguez commented 1 year ago

How do post-pandemic effects modulate tendencies in new enrollment?

okay so I'm thinking about these research questions in a way that can be answered through stats.

It seems like you want to explore #1-6 in those bulletpoints ~ of enrollment (online vs in person) (or the other way around?) I think if you want to make a claim about enrollment based on these factors, we can do that with this dataset, but I'm wondering if the argument that it is "new tendencies" is strong enough because we don't explicitly have their enrollment histories. I think it could work, but we have to be careful how we write it.

nmrodriguez commented 1 year ago

** How does our new post-pandemic reality modulate tendencies in language enrollment (in person vs online)?

big picture = social implications of online teaching and how that has changed in a post-pandemic world small picture = what we are doing in this language program and how can we improve to meet the needs and wants of the students in their new reality

nmrodriguez commented 1 year ago

** Add to Qualtrics Survey Instrument description: The aforementioned sections of the survey followed a mixed-methods design to examine students’ perspectives through an interaction of quantitative and qualitative questions. By using open-ended and close-ended questionnaires we were able to collect, contrast and students’ testimonies. The mixed-methods design of this study allowed us to compare open-ended questions, with close-ended questions obtaining tendencies, preferences, as well as attitudes toward enrolment. Close-ended quantitative questions were presented in a scale from 5 to 1 in the questionnaire, with a 5 being valued as “very useful” and a 1 as “not very useful”.

 Insert/ decide more theoretical approaches.

  • Grounded Theory?

Our premise in this research study is to gather information from our current students who are in an educational environment that has been in continuous change for the past few years. The effects of this ever-changing learning environment have affected students and continue to affect modulating the way they interact with and view their education. Post-pandemic effects, along with world socio-economic changes, have brought a new educational reality that affects tendencies toward enrollment. Having a better understanding of the constant change of tendencies that affect our students can help us not only in providing them with adequate tools to succeed but also help us in providing courses that match their needs and expectations.

** expand on grounded theory and how it relates to big picture

nmrodriguez commented 1 year ago

Action plan:

Information that you wanted: Número de estudiantes en cada curso. ¿Que cursos son los mas populares?

class # of students
101:01 13
101:90 15
101:91 14
101:92 13
101:93 16
102:90 13
121:01 15
121:02 12
131:01 14
131:02 14
131:03 16
131:90 20
132:01 8
132:90 20
132:91 17


IvanAndreuRascon commented 1 year ago

Action plan:

  • [ ] Expand on grounded theory and see how it relates to what we did
  • [ ] nicole has to do stats (when she gets her laptop back)
  • [ ] find more articles that could help with lit review

Information that you wanted: Número de estudiantes en cada curso. ¿Que cursos son los mas populares?

class # of students 101:01 13 101:90 15 101:91 14 101:92 13 101:93 16 102:90 13 121:01 15 121:02 12 131:01 14 131:02 14 131:03 16 131:90 20 132:01 8 132:90 20 132:91 17 Goal:

  • Send paper by January 31st

Grounded theory (citar) Podriamos introducir la teorica diciendo algo así: The data and research were conducted following the principles of Grounded Theory (Corbin & Strauss, 2014). This theoretical approach allowed us to perform mixed models qualitative, quantitative and open questionary deriving the hypothesis we present in this paper. This approach was chosen as it allows the researcher observe a constant change in tendencies and derive a hypothesis based on the collected data.


Corbin, J., & Strauss, A. (2014). Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks: SAGE. Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks: SA