nmrugg / UE4Launcher

The Unofficial Cross-Platform UE4 Launcher
MIT License
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Can we have a logout function? #16

Open Zartris opened 3 years ago

Zartris commented 3 years ago

Hi This is more of a feature request, but for some reason, I cannot download files anymore and I think it is because of me having authentication active. It worked the first time when I had to login, but now it's just giving me a timeout warning.

I would like to be able to logout and force it to login again and request me to authenticate :)


I know there must be some workaround but and I would appreciate that solution too if anyone knows, but I still think a logout option would be usefull.

mcelhennyi commented 3 years ago

I too would like this feature, and on a similar note, is there a manual way to do this? Like deleting a file or something?

huynhducmink commented 1 year ago

A temporary solution: Go to main.js, function hasLoginCookie and comment all except the return false line to force return false Clear all file in cache folder npm start will open the account page for you to log out, after that uncomment again to run like normal