nmt28 / C-SHELPh

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Add in spacecraft altitude #4

Closed nmt28 closed 1 year ago

nmt28 commented 1 year ago

Now an altitude of 496km is assumed. This info is in /geolocation/altitude_sc/ at the segment level. Need to either apply at photon level or just take the average as variation across an orbit is small. Need to account for nodata (which may be an issue if taking at photon level when linearly interpolating)

nodata val is: 1.7976931348623157E308

find altitude variation over an orbit to test if mean is negligible (likely is, movements of +/- 100m are 0.02% of altitude at 496km)

the np.mean(val > 1,000,000) which is 1000 km

nmt28 commented 1 year ago

This has now been incorporated and the interpolation has been improved so there is less stepping