nmurray1984 / porn-blocker-chrome-extension

Proof-of-concept to improve porn recognition
10 stars 2 forks source link

Implement a survey for users when extension in uninstalled #17

Open nmurray1984 opened 4 years ago

nmurray1984 commented 4 years ago

Use this as a template


Create a google spreadsheets form survey

mrvivacious commented 3 years ago

U can make a Google Forms survey for free then link it as

chrome.runtime.setUninstallURL(LINK_TO_SURVEY, function() {});

Some of the questions I ask:

Why are you deleting PorNo! ? (multiple choice)
Did you use PorNo! in incognito mode? (Yes/No)
Please finish this sentence: I wish PorNo! ... (free response answer)
Final thoughts (free response)

I am also building a porn blocking software, PorNo!. Good job on the progress so far, I like that you use realtime image detection because then you don't need to maintain an ever-growing list of domain names and the software can operate on any site without prior knowledge (a pain point I hope to address with PorNo! before 2022).

Thanks for building this and open sourcing your work, I've found the problem of NSFW blocking very tricky so seeing different techniques helps give me new ideas. I recommend setting up a donate option in the app if you have a menu, or link it in the repo (not like I've done this yet though...), I'm sure there are users who would want to support the project :)