nnanhuang / S3Gaussian

Official Implementation of Self-Supervised Street Gaussians for Autonomous Driving
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How to export the dynamic and static point cloud as *.ply file ? #12

Open Winjoy opened 6 days ago

Winjoy commented 6 days ago


I want to export the dynamic and static point cloud as ply files, and I find there are three lines related code in scene_reconstruction() which are commented out.

    # save 静动态点云分离
    # pcd_dir = os.path.join(eval_dir, "split_pcd")
    # os.makedirs(eval_dir,exist_ok=True)
    # gaussians.save_ply_split(pcd_dir)

After exploring the definition of "save_ply_split(self, dynamic_pcd_path, static_pcd_path, dx_list, visibility_filter)", I was confused with two problems:

  1. Is this function used to save/export the optimized gaussian point cloud as ply files with dynamic and static parts splited ?
  2. What is the physical meaning of the input param "dx_list" ? what is its data structure and element content ? How to get such a dx_list to pass to this function ? More detailed info is welcomed.

Hoping to get your replies, thanks in advance.