Closed nordbit closed 9 years ago
Do you mean it is not clickable? or it was clicked but then flipped back?
Also having trouble with content of back of card. I flip the card, and "Back content" disappears immediately, but I can see it right before the flip is done. Tried some CSS to get it to appear, no luck, doesn't seem to be a CSS conflict either.
Hi, the grid example works but it might need some fixing, what I see is that the flipping with hover is erratic. Any comments?
Yes, I think so. You can change it to 'click'.
@dancaron is the problem only on firefox?
@nnattawat - no, was having the issue in chrome
Got the same issue as reported by @dancaron: changing to var direction; switch (getBrowserId()) { case 2: // Safari direction = settings.reverse? "-181deg" : "181deg"; break; case 3: // Chrome direction = settings.reverse? "-179deg" : "179deg"; break; default: direction = settings.reverse? "-180deg" : "180deg"; }
avoided the problem.
getBrowserId is from
I have pushed the new code that might fix the problem.
Sorry no, problem still there and now affects firefox css 'center'. I created a JSFiddle, so you may see my setup:
I closed this issue as it was duplicated with the #8
Links on div with "back" class not working.