nnattawat / flip

A lightweight jQuery plugin to make 3D card flipping animation
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Add -webkit- where its needed #9

Closed redrick closed 9 years ago

redrick commented 9 years ago

I was experiencing problems with Safari (8.0.3) when it was not doing anything at all or few other glitches, I found out that -webkit- is only added automatically to 'transition' and no other properties, so I added manually and now works like a charm :)

nnattawat commented 9 years ago

Could you verify with the demo link (http://nnattawat.github.io/flip/) with Safari (8.0.3)? My understanding is that .css() automatically adds those prefix (-webkit-, -o-, -moz-).

redrick commented 9 years ago

Shoot exactly, it does on the example page, with simple html rotating, for some reason in our app it did nothing.... I will get back to you with specifics, I saw some autoprefixer gem and similar stuff in gemfile, hopefully I would be able to track what disabled that :( thx mate :)