nneonneo / Il2CppVersions

Build scripts & historical header files for every available minor version of Unity's Il2Cpp project
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Updates for Unity 2020.1.0+ and small tweaks #7

Closed djkaty closed 4 years ago

djkaty commented 4 years ago

Unity 2020.1 is now generally available and il2cpp.exe now requires a set of "baselib" files to build for the target architecture,

These files are not supplied in the Unity Editor package but rather a separate package which seems like it's going to be called "UnitySetup-Windows-IL2CPP-Support-for-Editor-2020.x.xfx"

I have set up a new group (group 6) and updated the scripts as necessary to extract the relevant files and build correctly. Tested working on Unity 2020.1.0f1.

I've also added type and API headers for the latest LTS releases - 2018.4.25, 2019.4.5 and 2018.4.23 which for some reason seemed to be missing.

Finally, I prepended @echo off to all of the build scripts to neaten the output slightly.

djkaty commented 4 years ago

LGTM. I can’t test these because my main machine isn’t accessible right now, but the changes look fine. Could you add a line to the readme explaining where to find the platform support package?

Done :)