nneonneo / ntfsrecover

NTFS data-recovery program written in Python
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A problem about file recovery #7

Open Siberia-yuan opened 4 years ago

Siberia-yuan commented 4 years ago

When I try to use '--save-mft' option to save a mft file, it will generate some weird file path such as '...path/qt.dll/a.png' and qt.dll is not a directory but a file. Then I tried to recover the odd file '...path/qt.dll/a.png' to figure out what is the problem, then it throws out an exception

PS C:\Users\hejun\Desktop\ntfsrecover-master\ntfsrecover-master> python.exe .\ntfsrecover.py \\.\Harddisk0Partition4 --mft mft --pattern "EVMVConvert/Qt5Gui.dll/home.png" --outdir D:\\ Reading MFT Parsing MFT: Done! Recovering EVMVConvert/Qt5Gui.dll/home.png defaultdict(<class 'dict'>, {'STANDARD_INFORMATION': {None: <function parse_attr.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x000001D2B20B9400>}, 'DATA': {None: <function parse_attr.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x000001D2B20B9510>}, 'FILE_NAME': {None: <function parse_attr.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x000001D2B20B9488>}}) failed!

Siberia-yuan commented 4 years ago

I would be very grateful if you can reply!