nnethercott / Hoffbot

Coffee chatbot LLM using YouTube subtitle data
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How difficult was it to learn the slack integration? #1

Open daniel-furman opened 1 year ago

daniel-furman commented 1 year ago

Hey there!

Love this repo. I am making a similar conversational chatbot for M&A news podcasts. I am curious: how difficult was it to deploy through the slack API? Scale of 0-10, 0 being very easy 10 being very difficult. Thanks in advance!

Best, Daniel

nnethercott commented 1 year ago

Hey Daniel! Thanks for the comments. I would say it depends at which scale you want to deploy the chatbot. Since I did everything locally I used Flask and ngrok to manage endpoints fairly simply so I would rate that difficulty a 3/10. In terms of more industry-scale applications you'll probably have to dive into some pure backend dev which for me was prohibitive so I'd probably give it a > 7/10 difficulty. Another option is to deploy on a hosting platform like Render, Vercel, or Databutton which should be easier. Aggregating all these factors I'll give deploying a 5/10 difficulty!