def GrabAnyWhereOn(self):
Turns on Grab Anywhere functionality AFTER a window has been created. Don't try on a window that's not yet
been Finalized or Read.
self.TKroot.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self._StartMove)
self.TKroot.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self._StopMove)
self.TKroot.bind("<B1-Motion>", self._OnMotion)
def GrabAnyWhereOff(self):
Turns off Grab Anywhere functionality AFTER a window has been created. Don't try on a window that's not yet
been Finalized or Read.
It comes out looking like this:
It appears that only one ` is being put into the readme:
Here is my original code:
It comes out looking like this:
It appears that only one ` is being put into the readme: