Completed making
2019-08-19 16:37:50,180>INFO: STARTING
2019-08-19 16:37:50,180>INFO: STARTING
2019-08-19 16:37:50,204>ERROR: PROBLEM WITH "<property object at 0x0000021366BE6228>" "TKCanvas":
it's signature is BS. Ok, I will just return '' for 'signature' and 'param_table'
OR BETTER - delete it from the
2019-08-19 16:37:50,215>ERROR: PROBLEM WITH "<property object at 0x0000021366BE62C8>" "TKCanvas":
it's signature is BS. Ok, I will just return '' for 'signature' and 'param_table'
OR BETTER - delete it from the
2019-08-19 16:37:50,225>ERROR: PROBLEM WITH "<property object at 0x0000021366BE6048>" "TKOut":
it's signature is BS. Ok, I will just return '' for 'signature' and 'param_table'
OR BETTER - delete it from the
2019-08-19 16:37:50,248>ERROR: PROBLEM WITH "<property object at 0x0000021366BE6958>" "AlphaChannel":
it's signature is BS. Ok, I will just return '' for 'signature' and 'param_table'
OR BETTER - delete it from the
2019-08-19 16:37:50,261>ERROR: PROBLEM WITH "<property object at 0x0000021366BE69A8>" "Size":
it's signature is BS. Ok, I will just return '' for 'signature' and 'param_table'
OR BETTER - delete it from the
The tkcanvas is probably the shortest example as I can give you the entire class.
The others are in the Windows class
class Canvas(Element):
""" """
def __init__(self, canvas=None, background_color=None, size=(None, None), pad=None, key=None, tooltip=None,
right_click_menu=None, visible=True):
:param canvas: (tk.Canvas) Your own tk.Canvas if you already created it. Leave blank to create a Canvas
:param background_color: (str) color of background
:param size: Tuple[int,int] (width in char, height in rows) size in pixels to make canvas
:param pad: Amount of padding to put around element
:param key: (Any) Used with window.FindElement and with return values to uniquely identify this element
:param tooltip: (str) text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
:param right_click_menu: List[List[Union[List[str],str]]] A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
:param visible: (bool) set visibility state of the element
self.BackgroundColor = background_color if background_color is not None else DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR
self._TKCanvas = canvas
self.RightClickMenu = right_click_menu
super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_CANVAS, background_color=background_color, size=size, pad=pad, key=key,
tooltip=tooltip, visible=visible)
def TKCanvas(self):
""" """
if self._TKCanvas is None:
print('*** Did you forget to call Finalize()? Your code should look something like: ***')
print('*** form = sg.Window("My Form").Layout(layout).Finalize() ***')
return self._TKCanvas
How should we handle class properties?
I get these warnings at the moment:
The tkcanvas is probably the shortest example as I can give you the entire class.
The others are in the Windows class