Open ShuguangSun opened 1 year ago
I am also using MSYS2 Emacs on UCRT64 with my Psimacs configuration for Windows. I can't use jupyter because of incompatibility of emacs-zmp with the UCRT64 platform. I tried to compile emacs-zmq/src on this platform myself but failed because of configure problems. I was not able to solve these problems myself because of lack of experience. I would really appreciate if emacs-zmq would support UCRT64 on MSYS2 beside of MINGW64.
I have tried to compile the emacs-zmp library again with the UCRT64 configuration. First I did have to ensure that the /usr/bin/sed.exe and the /usr/bin/grep.exe are found. With the versions of /ucrt64/sed.exe I got configure errors. The libzmq source package is always downloaded and its build fails. However, I have already installed pacman -S mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-zeromq and I would expect that building of libzmq is not necessary at all. That is all I can contribute for the moment. I do not know how to proceed at this point.
I compile emacs with msys2 UCRT64, and emacs-zmq can't be loaded.
If I compile the lib using ucrt64, it reports: