nnstreamer / nntrainer

NNtrainer is Software Framework for Training Neural Network Models on Devices.
Apache License 2.0
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[Trivial] Disable cpp-linter action's clang-format #2522

Closed DonghakPark closed 3 months ago

DonghakPark commented 3 months ago

We currently perform a Clang format check during our static checks.

The CPP-Linter we are using is from the Action Market and occasionally produces different results even when the same version is specified. This reduces efficiency for developers, so only the static check with more detailed logs will be left and the CPP-Linter function will be disabled.

However, the existing Linter function will remain.

Self evaluation:

  1. Build test: [X]Passed [ ]Failed [ ]Skipped
  2. Run test: [X]Passed [ ]Failed [ ]Skipped
taos-ci commented 3 months ago

:memo: TAOS-CI Version: 1.5.20200925. Thank you for submitting PR #2522. Please a submit 1commit/1PR (one commit per one PR) policy to get comments quickly from reviewers. Your PR must pass all verificiation processes of cibot before starting a review process from reviewers. If you are new member to join this project, please read manuals in documentation folder and wiki page. In order to monitor a progress status of your PR in more detail, visit http://ci.nnstreamer.ai/.

EunjuYang commented 3 months ago

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