nnstreamer / nntrainer

NNtrainer is Software Framework for Training Neural Network Models on Devices.
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input-order-mismatch issue in multi-input layer. #2660

Open EunjuYang opened 6 days ago

EunjuYang commented 6 days ago

While I'm implementing an example app. I faced an issue of the order mismatch between addLayer( ) and input tensor (multi-input layer case). Here're some descriptions on this issue.

  1. I added some layers to my model, named proto_net:
    // TODO: [Bugfix] sequence of addLayer does not match with the input order.
    proto_net->addLayer(l2);    /** input_feature is input of l2 **/
    proto_net->addLayer(proto); /** input_major_label and l2 are inputs of protonet **/

    where the protonet consits of four layers; the last layer proto takes two input l2norm and input_major_label:

  LayerHandle proto = ml::train::createLayer(
    {"name=protonet", "input_layers=[input_major_label, l2norm]",
     "maxnum_major_class=" + std::to_string(max_num_class),
     "maxnum_minor_class=" + std::to_string(max_num_class), "trainable=false"});
  1. Different with my expectation, however, the actual graph's inputs do not follow the order. The input tensors' order does not matched with the addLayer order (protonet.cpp):
static constexpr size_t FIRST_INOUT_IDX = 0;
static constexpr size_t SECOND_INOUT_IDX = 1;

void Protonet::forwarding(nntrainer::RunLayerContext &context, bool training) {
  auto &features_ = context.getInput(FIRST_INOUT_IDX);
  auto &major_class_id = context.getInput(SECOND_INOUT_IDX);

This bugfix burden is passed to a user, which is required to be resolved.


(+) The order of input tensors of the layer is only affected by the order of addLayer. But it is not coherent with the order (affected but randomly decided).

(+) I tested with various combinations to boil down the isuse; I changed input_layers option in layer creation as well. The input_layers is irrelevant with the actual input tensors' order. The following code change works in the same situation:

  LayerHandle proto = ml::train::createLayer(
    {"name=protonet", "input_layers=[l2norm, input_major_label]",
     "maxnum_major_class=" + std::to_string(max_num_class),
     "maxnum_minor_class=" + std::to_string(max_num_class), "trainable=false"});

Summary of Issue

Candidate to resolve

taos-ci commented 6 days ago

:octocat: cibot: Thank you for posting issue #2660. The person in charge will reply soon.

lhs8928 commented 4 days ago

This issue is related with issue #1126 and #1813.