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Minimise LR(1) table #2

Open tjvr opened 7 years ago

tjvr commented 7 years ago

There appear to be techniques to reduce the number of states in the automaton.

tjvr commented 5 years ago

Consider the following two item sets:

i6. goto('+') from i2
  1 [Expr  -> Factor '+' . num,  $end]*
  2 [Expr  -> Factor '+' . num,  '+' ]*
  3 [Parms -> .,                 ',' ] 

i11. goto('+') from i4
  1 [Expr  -> Factor '+' . num,  '+']*
  2 [Expr  -> Factor '+' . num,  ')']*
  3 [Parms -> .,                 ','] 

If we ignore lookahead items, they have the same item cores:

i6. cores:
  [Expr  -> Factor '+' . num]*
  [Parms -> .               ]

i11. cores:
  [Expr  -> Factor '+' . num]*
  [Parms -> .               ]

(We only need to compare the cores of the kernel items, since the closure items are determined by the kernel items, and so should be the same.)

Also, the reduction item sets are identical, so merging them would not produce a reduce/reduce conflict. ("This occurs in grammars that are LR(k) but which are not simpler, i.e., grammars that are not SLR(0), LALR(k), or LR(0).") That is to say, if the reduction is different depending on the lookahead symbol.