noDRM / DeDRM_tools

DeDRM tools for ebooks
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Support for Adobe Experience Manager Document Security (Adobe Livecycle DRM) #121

Open DarthSaddest opened 2 years ago

DarthSaddest commented 2 years ago

Torossa - an online book store, which is increasingly subscribed to by universities - is using Adobe EMDS. The (DRM-ed) pdf files cannot be opened except via Adobe Acrobat and publishers might or might not allow you to print pages or copy text.

noDRM commented 2 years ago

Looks interesting, but probably pretty difficult to add, especially if I don't have access to such a file (and the necessary keys). The PDF format is very very complex, especially when you need to write the whole parser and can't easily use existing modules.

DarthSaddest commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for your prompt interest!