noDRM / DeDRM_tools

DeDRM tools for ebooks
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Trying to remove the DRM from a kindle book and convert it #455

Closed DaLeSy closed 6 months ago

DaLeSy commented 6 months ago

Question / bug report

I've never done this before and I didn't have any of these programs before so I just downloaded them yesterday (Kindle for PC, Calibre, DRM removal Plugin, and KFX input plugin).

So I found the folder where the kindle for PC put my kindle book. I opened it in Calibre. It wouldn't convert to anything because of DRM. So I downloaded this DRM removal plugin and added it to Calibre. Then it wouldn't convert because of KFX. So I read that I need to install the KFX input plugin. I restarted Calibre. Added the book back in. And now when I try to convert it, it says it can't because of DRM again. Not sure what is going on.

ElleKayEm said this in someone else's post/issue:

"If the book is from or for an E-ink Kindle (not a Fire), then make sure you enter that Kindle's serial number correctly into DeDRM's customization."
After reading that, I added in my kindle serial number to DRM plugin, but I'm still getting blocked, now by DRM again.

Which version of Calibre are you running?


Which version of the DeDRM plugin are you running?


If applicable, which version of the Kindle software are you running?

2.2.0 Kindle for PC 4

Log output

Paste log output here.

ApplicationPaletteChange event ignored Using calibre Qt style: True ApplicationPaletteChange event received calibre Debug log calibre 7.1 embedded-python: True Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE') ('Windows', '10', '10.0.19045') Python 3.11.5 Windows: ('10', '10.0.19045', 'SP0', 'Multiprocessor Free') Interface language: None Successfully initialized third party plugins: Gather KFX-ZIP (from KFX Input) (2, 6, 0) && DeDRM (10, 0, 3) && Package KFX (from KFX Input) (2, 6, 0) && KFX metadata reader (from KFX Input) (2, 6, 0) && KFX Input (2, 6, 0) calibre 7.1 embedded-python: True Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE') ('Windows', '10', '10.0.19045') Python 3.11.5 Windows: ('10', '10.0.19045', 'SP0', 'Multiprocessor Free') Interface language: None Successfully initialized third party plugins: Gather KFX-ZIP (from KFX Input) (2, 6, 0) && DeDRM (10, 0, 3) && Package KFX (from KFX Input) (2, 6, 0) && KFX metadata reader (from KFX Input) (2, 6, 0) && KFX Input (2, 6, 0) QPA platform: windows devicePixelRatio: 1.0 logicalDpi: 96.0 x 96.0 physicalDpi: 91.73814898419865 x 91.80722891566265 [0.00] Starting up... [0.00] Showing splash screen... [0.19] splash screen shown [0.19] Initializing db... [0.22] db initialized [0.22] Constructing main UI... [1.20] main UI initialized... [1.20] Hiding splash screen Starting QuickView Gather KFX-ZIP (from KFX Input) 2.6.0: Importing C:\Users\kurt2\Documents\My Kindle Content\B004GXAZXO_EBOK\B004GXAZXO_EBOK.azw Gather KFX-ZIP (from KFX Input): Gathered 4 file(s) as C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Local\Temp\calibre4m0zefsb\mmc2pq5f.kfx-zip DeDRM v10.0.3: Trying to decrypt mmc2pq5f.kfx-zip Using Library AlfCrypto DLL/DYLIB/SO [11.02] splash screen hidden [11.02] Started up in 11.02 seconds with 1 books stdout+stderr from file dialog helper: [b'', b''] piped data from file dialog helper: [b"\xe9\xa8\x93 \xe6\x8e'iY\xae\x90I\x88w\x13d\x1c\xbe\x05\xb1\xdb\x12\x80BLdA\xd3\xb6\xa4\xd8", b'C:\Users\kurt2\Documents\My Kindle Content\B004GXAZXO_EBOK\B004GXAZXO_EBOK.azw'] Decrypting KFX-ZIP ebook: mmc2pq5f Found 1 keys to try after 0.1 seconds Decrypting KFX DRM voucher: amzn1.drm-voucher.v1.d45d5a9a-4560-43b8-b76a-721013f72e9e.voucher Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 105, in decrypt_voucher File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 886, in decryptvoucher File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 762, in pkcs7unpad File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 102, in _assert Exception: Incorrect padding - Wrong key Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 105, in decrypt_voucher File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 886, in decryptvoucher File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 762, in pkcs7unpad File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 102, in _assert Exception: Incorrect padding - Wrong key DeDRM v10.0.3: Failed to decrypt with error: Failed to decrypt KFX DRM voucher with any key DeDRM v10.0.3: Looking for new default Kindle Key after 0.1 seconds searching for kinfoFiles in C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Local Found K4PC 1.25+ kinf2018 file: C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Local\Amazon\Kindle\storage.kinf2018 Decrypted key file using IDString '2398053341' and UserName 'kurt2' DeDRM v10.0.3: Found 1 new key Decrypting KFX-ZIP ebook: mmc2pq5f Got DSN key from database key_0 Found 1 keys to try after 0.4 seconds Decrypting KFX DRM voucher: amzn1.drm-voucher.v1.d45d5a9a-4560-43b8-b76a-721013f72e9e.voucher Traceback (most recent call last): File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.init", line 957, in KindleMobiDecrypt File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 261, in GetDecryptedBook File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 67, in processBook File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 111, in decrypt_voucher Exception: Failed to decrypt KFX DRM voucher with any key

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 105, in decrypt_voucher File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 886, in decryptvoucher File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 762, in pkcs7unpad File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 102, in _assert Exception: Incorrect padding - Wrong key Traceback (most recent call last): File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.init", line 957, in KindleMobiDecrypt File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 261, in GetDecryptedBook File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 67, in processBook File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 111, in decrypt_voucher Exception: Failed to decrypt KFX DRM voucher with any key

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 105, in decrypt_voucher File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 886, in decryptvoucher File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 762, in pkcs7unpad File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 102, in _assert Exception: Incorrect padding - Wrong key Traceback (most recent call last): File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.init", line 957, in KindleMobiDecrypt File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 261, in GetDecryptedBook File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 67, in processBook File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 111, in decrypt_voucher Exception: Failed to decrypt KFX DRM voucher with any key

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.init", line 991, in KindleMobiDecrypt File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 261, in GetDecryptedBook File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 67, in processBook File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 111, in decrypt_voucher Exception: Failed to decrypt KFX DRM voucher with any key DeDRM v10.0.3: Ultimately failed to decrypt after 0.4 seconds. Read the FAQs at noDRM's repository: Running file type plugin DeDRM failed with traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.init", line 957, in KindleMobiDecrypt File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 261, in GetDecryptedBook File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 67, in processBook File "C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 111, in decrypt_voucher Exception: Failed to decrypt KFX DRM voucher with any key

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "calibre\customize\", line 187, in _run_filetype_plugins File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.init", line 1056, in run File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.init", line 1007, in KindleMobiDecrypt calibre_plugins.dedrm.DeDRMError: DeDRM v10.0.3: Ultimately failed to decrypt after 0.4 seconds. Read the FAQs at noDRM's repository: Package KFX (from KFX Input) 2.6.0: Packaging C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Local\Temp\calibre_4m0zefsb\mmc2pq5f.kfx-zip Processing container: B004GXAZXO_EBOK.azw Running file type plugin Package KFX (from KFX Input) failed with traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "calibre\customize\", line 187, in _run_filetype_plugins File "calibre_plugins.kfx_input.package_filetype", line 21, in run File "calibre_plugins.kfx_input.package_filetype", line 32, in run_kfx File "calibre_plugins.kfx_input.kfxlib.yj_book", line 79, in convert_to_single_kfx File "calibre_plugins.kfx_input.kfxlib.yj_book", line 222, in decode_book File "calibre_plugins.kfx_input.kfxlib.yj_book", line 331, in get_container calibre_plugins.kfx_input.kfxlib.utilities.KFXDRMError: Book container B004GXAZXO_EBOK.azw has DRM and cannot be converted KFX metadata reader (from KFX Input) activated for C:\Users\kurt2\AppData\Local\Temp\calibre_4m0zefsb\f6yay88z_add_books\0\B004GXAZXO_EBOK.kfx-zip

FoulFoot commented 6 months ago

The DeDRM plugin doesn't work on the latest version of Amazon DRM. Been that way for a few months now.

ElleKayEm commented 6 months ago

Use DeDRM 10.0.9:

FoulFoot commented 6 months ago

Yep, tried all that. No dice. I've been using calibre and this plugin for many years but they no longer work. At least on the two files I've tried in the last few months.

ElleKayEm commented 6 months ago

If you have DeDRM 10.0.9 and KFX Input, you can still decrypt most Amazon books. Start your own issue and post a log and we'll take a look.

FoulFoot commented 6 months ago

In looking into this a little further, my guess is that calibre itself is blocking any conversion. This is my log after attempting to convert:

ApplicationPaletteChange event ignored Using calibre Qt style: True ApplicationPaletteChange event received calibre Debug log calibre 7.1 embedded-python: True Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE') ('Windows', '10', '10.0.19045') Python 3.11.5 Windows: ('10', '10.0.19045', 'SP0', 'Multiprocessor Free') Interface language: None Successfully initialized third party plugins: DeDRM (10, 0, 9) calibre 7.1 embedded-python: True Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE') ('Windows', '10', '10.0.19045') Python 3.11.5 Windows: ('10', '10.0.19045', 'SP0', 'Multiprocessor Free') Interface language: None Successfully initialized third party plugins: DeDRM (10, 0, 9) QPA platform: windows devicePixelRatio: 1.25 logicalDpi: 96.0 x 96.0 physicalDpi: 87.70489335006272 x 87.60718562874251 [0.00] Starting up... [0.00] Showing splash screen... [0.12] splash screen shown [0.12] Initializing db... [0.12] db initialized [0.12] Constructing main UI... [0.50] main UI initialized... [0.50] Hiding splash screen Starting QuickView

... no mention of the convert attempt at all, just the splash screen saying the file is DRM locked. A little payment from Amazon (or a legal threat) could have caused the calibre author to implement this. Just guessing of course.

FoulFoot commented 6 months ago

The input file is AZW, tied to my Kindle ID of course.

ElleKayEm commented 6 months ago

Install the KFX Input plugin:

FoulFoot commented 6 months ago

Yeah, same result.

Interestingly, calibre 7.2 was released literally a few minutes ago. The download link isn't even working yet, but the program prompts you to update. Suspicious timing. :)

ElleKayEm commented 6 months ago

Works for me. Let's see a log of adding the book to calibre.

FoulFoot commented 6 months ago

Added the book, then tried to covert it to MOBI.

Using calibre Qt style: True ApplicationPaletteChange event received ApplicationPaletteChange event received ApplicationPaletteChange event received calibre Debug log calibre 7.2 embedded-python: True Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE') ('Windows', '10', '10.0.19045') Python 3.11.5 Windows: ('10', '10.0.19045', 'SP0', 'Multiprocessor Free') Interface language: None Successfully initialized third party plugins: Gather KFX-ZIP (from KFX Input) (2, 6, 0) && DeDRM (10, 0, 9) && Package KFX (from KFX Input) (2, 6, 0) && KFX metadata reader (from KFX Input) (2, 6, 0) && KFX Input (2, 6, 0) calibre 7.2 embedded-python: True Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE') ('Windows', '10', '10.0.19045') Python 3.11.5 Windows: ('10', '10.0.19045', 'SP0', 'Multiprocessor Free') Interface language: None Successfully initialized third party plugins: Gather KFX-ZIP (from KFX Input) (2, 6, 0) && DeDRM (10, 0, 9) && Package KFX (from KFX Input) (2, 6, 0) && KFX metadata reader (from KFX Input) (2, 6, 0) && KFX Input (2, 6, 0) QPA platform: windows devicePixelRatio: 1.25 logicalDpi: 96.0 x 96.0 physicalDpi: 87.70489335006272 x 87.60718562874251 [0.00] Starting up... [0.00] Showing splash screen... [0.12] splash screen shown [0.12] Initializing db... [0.12] db initialized [0.12] Constructing main UI... [0.58] main UI initialized... [0.58] Hiding splash screen [0.64] GUI main window shown [0.67] QuickView starting [0.67] QuickView started DeDRM v10.0.9: Trying to decrypt Game Wizards (locked DRM).azw3 MobiDeDrm v1.1. Copyright © 2008-2022 The Dark Reverser, Apprentice Harper et al. Decrypting Kindle Format 8 ebook: Game Wizards (Game Histories) Found 2 keys to try after 0.5 seconds Crypto Type is: 2 DeDRM v10.0.9: Failed to decrypt with error: No key found in 2 PIDs tried. DeDRM v10.0.9: Looking for new default Kindle Key after 0.5 seconds searching for kinfoFiles in C:\Users\Desktop\AppData\Local No K4PC files have been found. DeDRM v10.0.9: Ultimately failed to decrypt after 0.5 seconds. Read the FAQs at noDRM's repository: Running file type plugin DeDRM failed with traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.init", line 931, in KindleMobiDecrypt File "C:\Users\Desktop\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 203, in GetDecryptedBook File "C:\Users\Desktop\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\\", line 401, in processBook mobidedrm.DrmException: No key found in 2 PIDs tried.

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "calibre\customize\", line 187, in _run_filetype_plugins File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.init", line 1030, in run File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.init", line 981, in KindleMobiDecrypt calibre_plugins.dedrm.DeDRMError: DeDRM v10.0.9: Ultimately failed to decrypt after 0.5 seconds. Read the FAQs at noDRM's repository: [3.66] Starting the smartdevice driver [7.92] splash screen hidden [7.92] Started up in 7.92 seconds with 2 books stdout+stderr from file dialog helper: [b'', b''] piped data from file dialog helper: [b' \xe30\x9c\x97i\x1c\t"\x0e\x1a\xc6\xb5c\xa7\xc5I\xa6D\x1b\x1eEMNgQ!\x7f\xfc\x90:0', b'D:\eBooks\Peterson, Jon\Game Wizards (locked DRM).azw3'] Added Game Wizards (Game Histories) to db in: 0.1 Added 1 books in 0.8 seconds

FoulFoot commented 6 months ago

And before you ask, the eBook is correctly linked to my Kindle, downloaded it directly from Amazon, and the Kindle serial is entered into the DeDRM plugin (just checked it again in case upgrading calibre deleted it, but it was still there).

ElleKayEm commented 6 months ago

An azw3 file isn't even the new DRM. This book is tied to an E-ink Kindle, not a Fire? You're sure you have that particular Kindle's serial number entered correctly into DeDRM?

FoulFoot commented 6 months ago

Yes, tied to a Kindle. Triple-checked and re-entered the serial into DeDRM. And as I mentioned, I've successfully used these tools for many years. Just recently stopped working.

jonathan2183 commented 6 months ago

I tried the online version of nodrm and it worked. You will need serial number though.

On Friday, December 15, 2023, FoulFoot @.***> wrote:

Yes, tied to a Kindle. Triple-checked and re-entered the serial into DeDRM. And as I mentioned, I've successfully used these tools for many years. Just recently stopped working.

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jonathan2183 commented 6 months ago

On Friday, December 15, 2023, jonathan hopley @.***> wrote:

I tried the online version of nodrm and it worked. You will need serial number though.

On Friday, December 15, 2023, FoulFoot @.***> wrote:

Yes, tied to a Kindle. Triple-checked and re-entered the serial into DeDRM. And as I mentioned, I've successfully used these tools for many years. Just recently stopped working.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.Message ID: @.***>

FoulFoot commented 6 months ago

That failed too. No worries. Maybe it's something on my side or a strange eBook. Glad it's still working for others.

jonathan2183 commented 6 months ago

It seems to be with books that don't say simultaneous devices I have found so far.

DaLeSy commented 6 months ago

Use DeDRM 10.0.9:

Thanks ElleKayEm. While that did seem to convert the books, it seems like something is still wrong.

I converted this book to an EPUB so that I can open it in my Firefox browser and use the Read Aloud extension to read the book out loud to me. That was my reason for converting it. But, for some reason the converted EPUB that opens in my browser with the help of EPUBreader extension, when it starts to read a chapter, it opens that chapter up in a little window and it doesn't show the same text for that chapter as it does in the browser, nor does it read the same text that the browser shows. I tried this in multiple chapters and it always shows different text and reads different text for some reason. Very odd, yet I can see all of the text is there in the EPUB that is open in my browser. I even compared to the same book opened in Kindle for PC and the text is right. Anybody know why the Read Aloud extension isn't seeing and reading it right?

I also converted the book to PDF as Acrobat Reader can read things out loud too, although it only has one voice and no other voice options. But, when it started reading the text, for some reason it started pausing oddly every few words. Which was way too annoying and unnatural to listen to.

I have used both Read Aloud and Acrobat Reader to read stuff out loud to me before and didn't have this problem. I did have the problem on Amazon's Cloud Reader. And when I contacted Read Aloud about it, they told me I would have to remove the DRM and convert it to EPUB for it to read it correctly like it does on other websites. But now that I have done that, it still doesn't read it right, nor does Acrobat Reader. Anybody know why?

jonathan2183 commented 6 months ago

Some books come with frames along the edges. This stops text to speech from working. Calibre has a book viewer function, with text to speech. you can also add other voices to windows. with voice packs. you will need to updates windows. as they only come through windows up date. look for voice packs for windows. I use the uk one. and just change speed.

jonathan2183 commented 6 months ago

Maybe try convert from epub to doc. Then open document. save as pdf and convert back to epub

ElleKayEm commented 6 months ago

@DaLeSy If your Kindle is E-ink (not a Fire), try getting the book from your content and devices page at Amazon with the "download & transfer via USB" option. You will get a file in the older azw3 format. That format is better for converting into epub then the kfx format you're getting with Kindle for PC. Maybe that will work better with the text to speech.

@FoulFoot Try downloading again making sure you choose the right Kindle if you have more than one. Try copy and pasting its serial number from the website into DeDRM. Your log just shows that the key you have in there is the wrong one for that copy of the book. That format has the same old DRM that we've been dealing with for years.

DaLeSy commented 6 months ago

> Some books come with frames along the edges. This stops text to speech from working. Calibre has a book viewer function, with text to speech. you can also add other voices to windows.

Yes that did work. It had 4 voices options, three male voices and 1 female. Which were the same "offline voices", not the premium ones, that Read Aloud uses - Auto, David, Mark, and Zira.

> Maybe try convert from epub to doc. Then open document. save as pdf and convert back to epub.

I tried that, but there was no doc option in Calibre, so I instead tried docx. Then I converted it to pdf. And then epub. When I opened it in Firefox with EPUBreader extension, again Read Aloud wasn't reading it right in its little window that it opens up. But, when I highlight the text and right click and go to Read Aloud, then it does read it right. It reads everything that I highlight right.

Then I tried to open the other one I converted to epub in Firefox and see if it would work by highlighting the text. And it worked too. So I didn't really need to convert from epub to docx, to pdf, to epub. You just have to highlight the text you want it to read first - at least with this Read Aloud extension.

> If your Kindle is E-ink (not a Fire), try getting the book from your content and devices page at Amazon with the "download & transfer via USB" option. You will get a file in the older azw3 format. That format is better for converting into epub then the kfx format you're getting with Kindle for PC. Maybe that will work better with the text to speech.

That also did not read right with Read Aloud, until I highlighted the text and right clicked and went to Read Aloud in the pop up menu. Same as with the other things I tried. Apparently the only way to get them to read correctly in Read Aloud is if you are highlighting the text first and having it read that out loud. If you don't want to highlight every page separately, you can change the book view layout at the bottom of the EPUBreader and highlight further and further sections as it scrolls. Then have it read it. Which is less convenient than saying "read this section or chapter", but that just doesn't seem to be an option with these two tools (Read Aloud and EpubReader extension).

I also tried it again in Kindle Cloud Reader in case anybody is curious. This time I tried highlighting the text first and tried to get Read Aloud read it. It just simply won't read it on Amazon's website. It has to be downloaded, converted to epub and have the DRM removed. And you might be right, maybe I wouldn't have needed the KFX input plugin if I had gone to content and devices and choose the "download and transfer via USB" option.

Thanks Guys, I'm grateful for the help. Glad I can sit back and listen to books being read to me now. Maybe this post will help someone else too.

ElleKayEm commented 6 months ago

Well, since you can convert, the DeDRM is definitely removed so you can close this issue.