noDRM / DeDRM_tools

DeDRM tools for ebooks
6.57k stars 287 forks source link

Kobo Desktop decryption #484

Closed ManticoreRIZZ closed 4 months ago

ManticoreRIZZ commented 5 months ago

Question / bug report

synced titles from kobo desktop are not getting decrypted

Which version of Calibre are you running?


Which version of the DeDRM plugin are you running?


If applicable, which version of the Kindle software are you running?

No response

Log output

ApplicationPaletteChange event ignored
Using calibre Qt style: True
calibre Fehlerdiagnoseprotokoll
calibre 6.27  embedded-python: True
Windows-10-10.0.22631-SP0 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE')
('Windows', '10', '10.0.22631')
Python 3.10.1
Windows: ('10', '10.0.22631', 'SP0', 'Multiprocessor Free')
Interface language: de
Successfully initialized third party plugins: DeACSM (0, 0, 16) && Gather KFX-ZIP (from KFX Input) (2, 8, 1) && DeDRM (10, 0, 9) && AZW6 Image Merge (1, 1, 1) && Package KFX (from KFX Input) (2, 8, 1) && KFX metadata reader (from KFX Input) (2, 8, 1) && From KFX (2, 8, 1) && KFX Input (2, 8, 1) && KePub Input (3, 6, 7) && KePub Metadata Reader (3, 6, 7) && KePub Metadata Writer (3, 6, 7) && KePub Output (3, 6, 7) && KoboTouchExtended (3, 6, 7) && Obok DeDRM (10, 0, 9)
calibre 6.27  embedded-python: True
Windows-10-10.0.22631-SP0 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE')
('Windows', '10', '10.0.22631')
Python 3.10.1
Windows: ('10', '10.0.22631', 'SP0', 'Multiprocessor Free')
Interface language: de
Successfully initialized third party plugins: DeACSM (0, 0, 16) && Gather KFX-ZIP (from KFX Input) (2, 8, 1) && DeDRM (10, 0, 9) && AZW6 Image Merge (1, 1, 1) && Package KFX (from KFX Input) (2, 8, 1) && KFX metadata reader (from KFX Input) (2, 8, 1) && From KFX (2, 8, 1) && KFX Input (2, 8, 1) && KePub Input (3, 6, 7) && KePub Metadata Reader (3, 6, 7) && KePub Metadata Writer (3, 6, 7) && KePub Output (3, 6, 7) && KoboTouchExtended (3, 6, 7) && Obok DeDRM (10, 0, 9)
QPA platform: windows
devicePixelRatio: 2.0
logicalDpi: 96.0 x 96.0
physicalDpi: 133.4890510948905 x 133.24590163934425
[0.00] Starting up...
[0.00] Showing splash screen...
[0.17] splash screen shown
[0.17] Initializing db...
[0.17] db initialized
[0.17] Constructing main UI...
DEBUG:    0.0 - loading translations
DEBUG:    0.0 - loading translations
DEBUG:    0.0 - loading translations
DEBUG:    0.0 - loading translations
[1.62] main UI initialized...
[1.62] Hiding splash screen
Starting QuickView
[3.75] splash screen hidden
[3.75] Started up in 3.75 seconds with 0 books
Running Obok DeDRM v10.0.9
DEBUG:    6.6 didn't find device
Obok v10.0.9
Copyright © 2012-2023 Physisticated et al.
DEBUG:    6.6 got kobodir C:/Users/manti/AppData/Local/Kobo/Kobo Desktop Edition
Found 8 possible keys to try.
DEBUG:   12.6 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book_num: 0
DEBUG:   12.6 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book: ゲッサン 2023年12月号(2023年11月10日発売)
DEBUG:   12.6 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book_num: 1
DEBUG:   12.6 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book: ゲッサン 2024年1月号(2023年12月12日発売)
DEBUG:   12.6 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book_num: 2
DEBUG:   12.6 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book: 四つ子ぐらし1
DEBUG:   12.6 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book_num: 3
DEBUG:   12.6 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book: 魔法使いロゼの佐渡ライフ 1巻
DEBUG:   12.6 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book_num: 4
DEBUG:   12.6 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book: 魔法使いロゼの佐渡ライフ 2巻
DEBUG:   12.6 InterfacePluginAction::launchObok - number of books to decrypt: 5
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Decrypting ゲッサン 2023年12月号(2023年11月10日発売)
Trying key:  b'dec1cdcde83b1eec9cbdca470187830e'
Checking text:b'\xa8\x8a|\x1e\xbf=\xf8\x1cB\x83':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 168
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b83dac8cfc520190ebec5cdea072a2c5'
Checking text:b"\x9cz\x822'\xf4_s4l":
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 156
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'35806a14fb2c4f4060a42dbb45ca7f00'
Checking text:b'}\xb2jxZM\xda\xa6kT':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 178
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b690a6ae24e27df354fe2f672599902b'
Checking text:b'"\x16\x8eTA;\xeff\x91_':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 22
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'68b5a443a8a044d88434dc5d5526ac5e'
Checking text:b"\x99\xab\xc7\xc5'IP\xf4\nU":
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 153
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'6e791a67c328e65a64c16d761337e7ee'
Checking text:b'L9\xf4\xfb\r\xa9N\xef I':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 2, value 244
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'152a81d46e01cc4ed677fefb6ddd35a5'
Checking text:b'\x89J\x1c\x07\xda\xde\x17\x90w\xa5':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 137
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'26fb99e2df545a49013cb70e43a51fd1'
Checking text:b'\x95*`H\x92\xb5\x90\x08\x8e\x02':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 149
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Couldn't decrypt ゲッサン 2023年12月号(2023年11月10日発売)
DEBUG:   12.6 DecryptAddProgressDialog::do_book_action - book decryption failed: 'ゲッサン 2023年12月号(2023年11月10日発売)'
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Decrypting ゲッサン 2024年1月号(2023年12月12日発売)
Trying key:  b'dec1cdcde83b1eec9cbdca470187830e'
Checking text:b'l\xdf\xe6\xddA~\x85\xf6\x18"':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 223
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b83dac8cfc520190ebec5cdea072a2c5'
Checking text:b'Z&\xb11! \xfcA\x96\x98':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 2, value 177
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'35806a14fb2c4f4060a42dbb45ca7f00'
Checking text:b'\xbd\xbcQ-B6\x1a\x1dTL':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 189
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b690a6ae24e27df354fe2f672599902b'
Checking text:b'\xb2?`\x9d\xd8\x17\x84 \x12d':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 178
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'68b5a443a8a044d88434dc5d5526ac5e'
Checking text:b'\xae\xab\xa2\xba3Mn\x17\x00k':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 174
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'6e791a67c328e65a64c16d761337e7ee'
Checking text:b'JK9K\xe6\x9a\xa6H\xf97':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 4, value 230
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'152a81d46e01cc4ed677fefb6ddd35a5'
Checking text:b'\xb8\x96\xa9#V0\xf5\xdf\xb4F':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 184
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'26fb99e2df545a49013cb70e43a51fd1'
Checking text:b'1\x815\xf3\xe7\xc8k\r\xd9Z':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 129
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Couldn't decrypt ゲッサン 2024年1月号(2023年12月12日発売)
DEBUG:   12.7 DecryptAddProgressDialog::do_book_action - book decryption failed: 'ゲッサン 2024年1月号(2023年12月12日発売)'
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Decrypting 四つ子ぐらし1
Trying key:  b'dec1cdcde83b1eec9cbdca470187830e'
Checking text:b'\xeaCH \xb3\x81\xa47\xe7`':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 234
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b83dac8cfc520190ebec5cdea072a2c5'
Checking text:b'q\xc6u\x97\xf3\xc8-\x04\xa8<':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 198
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'35806a14fb2c4f4060a42dbb45ca7f00'
Checking text:b'\xaf\xdc\x87GbLl\xf1$M':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 175
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b690a6ae24e27df354fe2f672599902b'
Checking text:b'\x8b?\x87\tBgg.\x80\xc0':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 139
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'68b5a443a8a044d88434dc5d5526ac5e'
Checking text:b'5\xf5\x96\xce\x05y\x97_\xad\xfc':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 245
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'6e791a67c328e65a64c16d761337e7ee'
Checking text:b'T\x08\xe4\xb3\xcc\x86\x1c\r\x17\xf5':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 8
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'152a81d46e01cc4ed677fefb6ddd35a5'
Checking text:b"\xf3V\x074^\xe7\xc8?'{":
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 243
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'26fb99e2df545a49013cb70e43a51fd1'
Checking text:b'\xb6\x08\xd600}\xc3\xe5\xa7\xa9':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 182
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Couldn't decrypt 四つ子ぐらし1
DEBUG:   12.8 DecryptAddProgressDialog::do_book_action - book decryption failed: '四つ子ぐらし1'
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Decrypting 魔法使いロゼの佐渡ライフ 1巻
Trying key:  b'dec1cdcde83b1eec9cbdca470187830e'
Checking text:b'a\xaa\x86\xea\xd6b\xc1\x8cT\xbc':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 170
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b83dac8cfc520190ebec5cdea072a2c5'
Checking text:b'V\xad\xafO|\x12\xa4\xe2\\\xa6':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 173
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'35806a14fb2c4f4060a42dbb45ca7f00'
Checking text:b'\x112\x0f\x9c\xd01q\xe3\x06\xe8':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 17
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b690a6ae24e27df354fe2f672599902b'
Checking text:b'\xce\xb2\xb9\x1b\x82\xdf\x80x\xd4\\':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 206
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'68b5a443a8a044d88434dc5d5526ac5e'
Checking text:b'cf\xa4\x10\xd6\x9c\xa4O\xc9<':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 2, value 164
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'6e791a67c328e65a64c16d761337e7ee'
Checking text:b'\xdf\xecWH\x8e\x84\xb7\xa0\x8d+':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 223
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'152a81d46e01cc4ed677fefb6ddd35a5'
Checking text:b'\xe9\xd0\xbe\xff\xdb\x00\xc88\xc6\xcc':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 233
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'26fb99e2df545a49013cb70e43a51fd1'
Checking text:b'\x83a\xe8\xed\x9e\x8d\xe0\xbeV~':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 131
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Couldn't decrypt 魔法使いロゼの佐渡ライフ 1巻
DEBUG:   12.8 DecryptAddProgressDialog::do_book_action - book decryption failed: '魔法使いロゼの佐渡ライフ 1巻'
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Decrypting 魔法使いロゼの佐渡ライフ 2巻
Trying key:  b'dec1cdcde83b1eec9cbdca470187830e'
Checking text:b'+\xcc\xf0\xb5\x8f\xca\x80\x07\xb2\xf8':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 204
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b83dac8cfc520190ebec5cdea072a2c5'
Checking text:b'\x95\x15\xc5o\xda(\xad\xa0\x11\\':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 149
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'35806a14fb2c4f4060a42dbb45ca7f00'
Checking text:b'\xd6\xfbL\xe2\xf4F\x13\xd6\x82\x7f':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 214
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b690a6ae24e27df354fe2f672599902b'
Checking text:b'\x90\x86\x00@=F\xf3\x01\xc20':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 144
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'68b5a443a8a044d88434dc5d5526ac5e'
Checking text:b'\t\x04\x92\x9c\xa6\x12Y\x11\xfe\xeb':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 9
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'6e791a67c328e65a64c16d761337e7ee'
Checking text:b'o\x93<\xdbL\x85"\xe1\x0el':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 147
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'152a81d46e01cc4ed677fefb6ddd35a5'
Checking text:b' \xf6?\x861T\xeeXQw':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 246
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'26fb99e2df545a49013cb70e43a51fd1'
Checking text:b'\x02\xbac_W@iP\xa9\xd2':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 2
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Couldn't decrypt 魔法使いロゼの佐渡ライフ 2巻
DEBUG:   12.8 DecryptAddProgressDialog::do_book_action - book decryption failed: '魔法使いロゼの佐渡ライフ 2巻'
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - wrapping up results.
Running Obok DeDRM v10.0.9
DEBUG:   18.1 didn't find device
Obok v10.0.9
Copyright © 2012-2023 Physisticated et al.
DEBUG:   18.1 got kobodir C:/Users/manti/AppData/Local/Kobo/Kobo Desktop Edition
Found 8 possible keys to try.
DEBUG:   20.0 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book_num: 0
DEBUG:   20.0 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book: ゲッサン 2023年12月号(2023年11月10日発売)
DEBUG:   20.0 InterfacePluginAction::launchObok - number of books to decrypt: 1
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Decrypting ゲッサン 2023年12月号(2023年11月10日発売)
Trying key:  b'dec1cdcde83b1eec9cbdca470187830e'
Checking text:b'\xa8\x8a|\x1e\xbf=\xf8\x1cB\x83':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 168
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b83dac8cfc520190ebec5cdea072a2c5'
Checking text:b"\x9cz\x822'\xf4_s4l":
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 156
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'35806a14fb2c4f4060a42dbb45ca7f00'
Checking text:b'}\xb2jxZM\xda\xa6kT':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 178
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b690a6ae24e27df354fe2f672599902b'
Checking text:b'"\x16\x8eTA;\xeff\x91_':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 22
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'68b5a443a8a044d88434dc5d5526ac5e'
Checking text:b"\x99\xab\xc7\xc5'IP\xf4\nU":
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 153
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'6e791a67c328e65a64c16d761337e7ee'
Checking text:b'L9\xf4\xfb\r\xa9N\xef I':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 2, value 244
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'152a81d46e01cc4ed677fefb6ddd35a5'
Checking text:b'\x89J\x1c\x07\xda\xde\x17\x90w\xa5':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 137
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'26fb99e2df545a49013cb70e43a51fd1'
Checking text:b'\x95*`H\x92\xb5\x90\x08\x8e\x02':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 149
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Couldn't decrypt ゲッサン 2023年12月号(2023年11月10日発売)
DEBUG:   20.1 DecryptAddProgressDialog::do_book_action - book decryption failed: 'ゲッサン 2023年12月号(2023年11月10日発売)'
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - wrapping up results.
stdout+stderr from file dialog helper: [b'', b'']
piped data from file dialog helper: [b'mS*|E\x91\xc9\xf3E\xcb\xc6\xe0\xd7\xdfrg\xf1\x84\x8648x\xe6\x12\x04\xca\x92\xf8\x16\xd2\x1b\xf9', b'C:\\Users\\manti\\AppData\\Local\\Kobo\\Kobo Desktop Edition']
Job: 0 Geräteinformationen abrufen started
DeviceJob: 0 Geräteinformationen abrufen done, calling callback
DeviceJob: 0 Geräteinformationen abrufen callback returned
Job: 1 Bibliotheksinformationen festlegen started
DeviceJob: 1 Bibliotheksinformationen festlegen done, calling callback
DeviceJob: 1 Bibliotheksinformationen festlegen callback returned
Job: 2 Gerätebücherliste abrufen started
DEBUG:    0.0 USBMS: Fetching list of books from device. Device= FOLDER_DEVICE oncard= None
DEBUG:    0.0 USBMS: dirs are: C:\Users\manti\AppData\Local\Kobo\Kobo Desktop Edition\ 
DEBUG:    0.0 USBMS: scan from root False C:\Users\manti\AppData\Local\Kobo\Kobo Desktop Edition\
DEBUG:    0.1 USBMS: count found in cache: 27, count of files in metadata: 27, need_sync: False
DEBUG:    0.1 USBMS: Finished fetching list of books from device. oncard= None
DEBUG:    0.1 USBMS: Fetching list of books from device. Device= FOLDER_DEVICE oncard= carda
DEBUG:    0.1 USBMS: Fetching list of books from device. Device= FOLDER_DEVICE oncard= cardb
DeviceJob: 2 Gerätebücherliste abrufen done, calling callback
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: Starting set_books_in_library
DeviceJob: set_books_in_library: books to process= 27
DeviceJob: set_books_in_library finished: time= 0.03310441970825195
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: updating views
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: syncing
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: refreshing ondevice
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: sending metadata_available signal
DeviceJob: 2 Gerätebücherliste abrufen callback returned
Job: 0 Geräteinformationen abrufen finished
Keine Details verfügbar.
Job: 2 Gerätebücherliste abrufen finished
Keine Details verfügbar.
Job: 1 Bibliotheksinformationen festlegen finished
Keine Details verfügbar.
SMART_DEV (   0.00:  0.001) _attach_to_port try ip address "" on port 9090
SMART_DEV (   1.16:  0.841) _startup_on_demand listening on port 9090
SMART_DEV (   1.22:  0.000) _attach_to_port try ip address "" on port 54982
SMART_DEV (   1.26:  0.000) _startup_on_demand broadcast socket listening on port 54982
SMART_DEV (   2.34:  1.041) run All IP addresses {'{82BAA945-E03A-4E35-BE9C-2BE24366E418}': [{'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}], '{E7ACDFF7-42A9-11EC-983D-806E6F6E6963}': [{'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}]}
Running Obok DeDRM v10.0.9
DEBUG:  481.7 didn't find device
Obok v10.0.9
Copyright © 2012-2023 Physisticated et al.
DEBUG:  481.7 got kobodir C:/Users/manti/AppData/Local/Kobo/Kobo Desktop Edition
Found 8 possible keys to try.
DEBUG:  483.9 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book_num: 0
DEBUG:  483.9 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book: ゲッサン 2023年12月号(2023年11月10日発売)
DEBUG:  483.9 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book_num: 1
DEBUG:  483.9 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book: ゲッサン 2024年1月号(2023年12月12日発売)
DEBUG:  483.9 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book_num: 2
DEBUG:  483.9 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book: 四つ子ぐらし1
DEBUG:  483.9 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book_num: 3
DEBUG:  483.9 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_file'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "calibre\gui2\", line 104, in run
  File "calibre\gui2\", line 687, in _view_book
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_file'

魔法使いロゼの佐渡ライフ 1巻
DEBUG:  483.9 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book_num: 4
DEBUG:  483.9 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book: 魔法使いロゼの佐渡ライフ 2巻
DEBUG:  483.9 InterfacePluginAction::launchObok - number of books to decrypt: 5
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Decrypting ゲッサン 2023年12月号(2023年11月10日発売)
Trying key:  b'dec1cdcde83b1eec9cbdca470187830e'
Checking text:b'\xa8\x8a|\x1e\xbf=\xf8\x1cB\x83':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 168
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b83dac8cfc520190ebec5cdea072a2c5'
Checking text:b"\x9cz\x822'\xf4_s4l":
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 156
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'35806a14fb2c4f4060a42dbb45ca7f00'
Checking text:b'}\xb2jxZM\xda\xa6kT':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 178
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b690a6ae24e27df354fe2f672599902b'
Checking text:b'"\x16\x8eTA;\xeff\x91_':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 22
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'68b5a443a8a044d88434dc5d5526ac5e'
Checking text:b"\x99\xab\xc7\xc5'IP\xf4\nU":
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 153
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'6e791a67c328e65a64c16d761337e7ee'
Checking text:b'L9\xf4\xfb\r\xa9N\xef I':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 2, value 244
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'152a81d46e01cc4ed677fefb6ddd35a5'
Checking text:b'\x89J\x1c\x07\xda\xde\x17\x90w\xa5':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 137
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'26fb99e2df545a49013cb70e43a51fd1'
Checking text:b'\x95*`H\x92\xb5\x90\x08\x8e\x02':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 149
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Couldn't decrypt ゲッサン 2023年12月号(2023年11月10日発売)
DEBUG:  484.0 DecryptAddProgressDialog::do_book_action - book decryption failed: 'ゲッサン 2023年12月号(2023年11月10日発売)'
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Decrypting ゲッサン 2024年1月号(2023年12月12日発売)
Trying key:  b'dec1cdcde83b1eec9cbdca470187830e'
Checking text:b'l\xdf\xe6\xddA~\x85\xf6\x18"':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 223
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b83dac8cfc520190ebec5cdea072a2c5'
Checking text:b'Z&\xb11! \xfcA\x96\x98':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 2, value 177
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'35806a14fb2c4f4060a42dbb45ca7f00'
Checking text:b'\xbd\xbcQ-B6\x1a\x1dTL':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 189
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b690a6ae24e27df354fe2f672599902b'
Checking text:b'\xb2?`\x9d\xd8\x17\x84 \x12d':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 178
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'68b5a443a8a044d88434dc5d5526ac5e'
Checking text:b'\xae\xab\xa2\xba3Mn\x17\x00k':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 174
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'6e791a67c328e65a64c16d761337e7ee'
Checking text:b'JK9K\xe6\x9a\xa6H\xf97':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 4, value 230
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'152a81d46e01cc4ed677fefb6ddd35a5'
Checking text:b'\xb8\x96\xa9#V0\xf5\xdf\xb4F':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 184
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'26fb99e2df545a49013cb70e43a51fd1'
Checking text:b'1\x815\xf3\xe7\xc8k\r\xd9Z':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 129
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Couldn't decrypt ゲッサン 2024年1月号(2023年12月12日発売)
DEBUG:  484.1 DecryptAddProgressDialog::do_book_action - book decryption failed: 'ゲッサン 2024年1月号(2023年12月12日発売)'
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Decrypting 四つ子ぐらし1
Trying key:  b'dec1cdcde83b1eec9cbdca470187830e'
Checking text:b'\xeaCH \xb3\x81\xa47\xe7`':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 234
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b83dac8cfc520190ebec5cdea072a2c5'
Checking text:b'q\xc6u\x97\xf3\xc8-\x04\xa8<':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 198
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'35806a14fb2c4f4060a42dbb45ca7f00'
Checking text:b'\xaf\xdc\x87GbLl\xf1$M':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 175
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b690a6ae24e27df354fe2f672599902b'
Checking text:b'\x8b?\x87\tBgg.\x80\xc0':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 139
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'68b5a443a8a044d88434dc5d5526ac5e'
Checking text:b'5\xf5\x96\xce\x05y\x97_\xad\xfc':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 245
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'6e791a67c328e65a64c16d761337e7ee'
Checking text:b'T\x08\xe4\xb3\xcc\x86\x1c\r\x17\xf5':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 8
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'152a81d46e01cc4ed677fefb6ddd35a5'
Checking text:b"\xf3V\x074^\xe7\xc8?'{":
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 243
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'26fb99e2df545a49013cb70e43a51fd1'
Checking text:b'\xb6\x08\xd600}\xc3\xe5\xa7\xa9':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 182
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Couldn't decrypt 四つ子ぐらし1
DEBUG:  484.1 DecryptAddProgressDialog::do_book_action - book decryption failed: '四つ子ぐらし1'
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Decrypting 魔法使いロゼの佐渡ライフ 1巻
Trying key:  b'dec1cdcde83b1eec9cbdca470187830e'
Checking text:b'a\xaa\x86\xea\xd6b\xc1\x8cT\xbc':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 170
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b83dac8cfc520190ebec5cdea072a2c5'
Checking text:b'V\xad\xafO|\x12\xa4\xe2\\\xa6':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 173
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'35806a14fb2c4f4060a42dbb45ca7f00'
Checking text:b'\x112\x0f\x9c\xd01q\xe3\x06\xe8':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 17
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b690a6ae24e27df354fe2f672599902b'
Checking text:b'\xce\xb2\xb9\x1b\x82\xdf\x80x\xd4\\':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 206
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'68b5a443a8a044d88434dc5d5526ac5e'
Checking text:b'cf\xa4\x10\xd6\x9c\xa4O\xc9<':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 2, value 164
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'6e791a67c328e65a64c16d761337e7ee'
Checking text:b'\xdf\xecWH\x8e\x84\xb7\xa0\x8d+':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 223
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'152a81d46e01cc4ed677fefb6ddd35a5'
Checking text:b'\xe9\xd0\xbe\xff\xdb\x00\xc88\xc6\xcc':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 233
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'26fb99e2df545a49013cb70e43a51fd1'
Checking text:b'\x83a\xe8\xed\x9e\x8d\xe0\xbeV~':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 131
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Couldn't decrypt 魔法使いロゼの佐渡ライフ 1巻
DEBUG:  484.2 DecryptAddProgressDialog::do_book_action - book decryption failed: '魔法使いロゼの佐渡ライフ 1巻'
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Decrypting 魔法使いロゼの佐渡ライフ 2巻
Trying key:  b'dec1cdcde83b1eec9cbdca470187830e'
Checking text:b'+\xcc\xf0\xb5\x8f\xca\x80\x07\xb2\xf8':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 204
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b83dac8cfc520190ebec5cdea072a2c5'
Checking text:b'\x95\x15\xc5o\xda(\xad\xa0\x11\\':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 149
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'35806a14fb2c4f4060a42dbb45ca7f00'
Checking text:b'\xd6\xfbL\xe2\xf4F\x13\xd6\x82\x7f':
ElleKayEm commented 5 months ago

Are you adding several books at once? Have you tried adding just one?

ManticoreRIZZ commented 5 months ago

already tried only one doesn't work either

ManticoreRIZZ commented 5 months ago

log for only 1 book at the same time

ApplicationPaletteChange event ignored
Using calibre Qt style: True
calibre Debug log
calibre 6.27  embedded-python: True
Windows-10-10.0.22631-SP0 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE')
('Windows', '10', '10.0.22631')
Python 3.10.1
Windows: ('10', '10.0.22631', 'SP0', 'Multiprocessor Free')
Interface language: None
Successfully initialized third party plugins: DeACSM (0, 0, 16) && Gather KFX-ZIP (from KFX Input) (2, 8, 1) && DeDRM (10, 0, 9) && AZW6 Image Merge (1, 1, 1) && Package KFX (from KFX Input) (2, 8, 1) && KFX metadata reader (from KFX Input) (2, 8, 1) && From KFX (2, 8, 1) && KFX Input (2, 8, 1) && KePub Input (3, 6, 7) && KePub Metadata Reader (3, 6, 7) && KePub Metadata Writer (3, 6, 7) && KePub Output (3, 6, 7) && Kobo Metadata (1, 4, 0) && KoboTouchExtended (3, 6, 7) && Obok DeDRM (10, 0, 9)
calibre 6.27  embedded-python: True
Windows-10-10.0.22631-SP0 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE')
('Windows', '10', '10.0.22631')
Python 3.10.1
Windows: ('10', '10.0.22631', 'SP0', 'Multiprocessor Free')
Interface language: None
Successfully initialized third party plugins: DeACSM (0, 0, 16) && Gather KFX-ZIP (from KFX Input) (2, 8, 1) && DeDRM (10, 0, 9) && AZW6 Image Merge (1, 1, 1) && Package KFX (from KFX Input) (2, 8, 1) && KFX metadata reader (from KFX Input) (2, 8, 1) && From KFX (2, 8, 1) && KFX Input (2, 8, 1) && KePub Input (3, 6, 7) && KePub Metadata Reader (3, 6, 7) && KePub Metadata Writer (3, 6, 7) && KePub Output (3, 6, 7) && Kobo Metadata (1, 4, 0) && KoboTouchExtended (3, 6, 7) && Obok DeDRM (10, 0, 9)
QPA platform: windows
devicePixelRatio: 2.0
logicalDpi: 96.0 x 96.0
physicalDpi: 133.4890510948905 x 133.24590163934425
[0.00] Starting up...
[0.02] Showing splash screen...
[0.17] splash screen shown
[0.17] Initializing db...
[0.17] db initialized
[0.17] Constructing main UI...
DEBUG:    0.0 - loading translations
DEBUG:    0.0 - loading translations
DEBUG:    0.0 - loading translations
DEBUG:    0.0 - loading translations
[1.58] main UI initialized...
[1.58] Hiding splash screen
Starting QuickView
[3.39] splash screen hidden
[3.39] Started up in 3.39 seconds with 0 books
Running Obok DeDRM v10.0.9
DEBUG:    5.0 didn't find device
Obok v10.0.9
Copyright © 2012-2023 Physisticated et al.
DEBUG:    5.0 got kobodir C:/Users/manti/AppData/Local/Kobo/Kobo Desktop Edition
Found 8 possible keys to try.
DEBUG:    7.3 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book_num: 0
DEBUG:    7.3 BookListTableWidget:get_books - book: ゲッサン 2023年12月号(2023年11月10日発売)
DEBUG:    7.3 InterfacePluginAction::launchObok - number of books to decrypt: 1
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Decrypting ゲッサン 2023年12月号(2023年11月10日発売)
Trying key:  b'dec1cdcde83b1eec9cbdca470187830e'
Checking text:b'\xa8\x8a|\x1e\xbf=\xf8\x1cB\x83':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 168
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b83dac8cfc520190ebec5cdea072a2c5'
Checking text:b"\x9cz\x822'\xf4_s4l":
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 156
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'35806a14fb2c4f4060a42dbb45ca7f00'
Checking text:b'}\xb2jxZM\xda\xa6kT':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 178
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'b690a6ae24e27df354fe2f672599902b'
Checking text:b'"\x16\x8eTA;\xeff\x91_':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 1, value 22
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'68b5a443a8a044d88434dc5d5526ac5e'
Checking text:b"\x99\xab\xc7\xc5'IP\xf4\nU":
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 153
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'6e791a67c328e65a64c16d761337e7ee'
Checking text:b'L9\xf4\xfb\r\xa9N\xef I':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 2, value 244
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'152a81d46e01cc4ed677fefb6ddd35a5'
Checking text:b'\x89J\x1c\x07\xda\xde\x17\x90w\xa5':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 137
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Trying key:  b'26fb99e2df545a49013cb70e43a51fd1'
Checking text:b'\x95*`H\x92\xb5\x90\x08\x8e\x02':
Perhaps utf-8 without BOM
Bad character at 0, value 149
Decryption failed, trying next key.
Obok DeDRM v10.0.9 - Couldn't decrypt ゲッサン 2023年12月号(2023年11月10日発売)
ManticoreRIZZ commented 4 months ago

so... 2 devices later (Win 11 and 10) and calibre factory resets, I came to the conclusion that it has to be my device somehow but I dunno why. It works on the other two devices but not on my main device LOL

ManticoreRIZZ commented 4 months ago

I solved it! It was a bug from the Kobo app... Solution: Uninstall Kobo -> Restart PC (not Shut down, a real restart) -> Reinstall Kobo ez lmao