As a [guest or volunteer] i need to see if or when a booking is automatically cancelled upon missed or late check-in so i can plan to check in on time and follow through on the booking.
Given a user wants to send a booking request
When they click on "choose" and then have to enter their details/request
Then they see the information that they have to check in at the latest "XX:YY" or their booking is automatically canceled.
Given a user receives booking confirmation
When they read it
Then the latest check-in time needs to be included such that the receiver is aware
Other info:
Ex: Links, Solutions, best practices etc.
Story As a [guest or volunteer] i need to see if or when a booking is automatically cancelled upon missed or late check-in so i can plan to check in on time and follow through on the booking.
Other info: Ex: Links, Solutions, best practices etc.
[ ] Definition of Ready OK? Also called DoR, our generic process for checking if this is ready for start. See our Playbook here for details:
[ ] Definition of Done OK? Also called DoD, our generic process for checking this is done in the right way. See our Playbook here for details: