Repository and research compendium in support of the manuscript "Spring haul-out behavior of seals in the Bering and Chukchi seas." Maintained by Josh London (@jmlondon /
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Improve wording about results of regression analysis w/ sea-ice extent #18
Given that there isn’t a figure, it might be best to omit the bit about “trend line” – and to provide more explanation. For example, “Adult female and subadult spotted seals appeared to achieve earlier peak haul-out date in years when ice concentration was high” (or whatever it was).
This paragraph was originally written when there was a figure. So, probably worth considering rewrites like this and maybe a few others. Will look into it.
@pconn comment:
This paragraph was originally written when there was a figure. So, probably worth considering rewrites like this and maybe a few others. Will look into it.