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document github api issue and fix for noaa windows computers #63

Open k-doering-NOAA opened 3 months ago

k-doering-NOAA commented 3 months ago

A few weeks ago, NOAA windows computers ran into issues with access to the github api (see

This affects almost everyone within NOAA, so it's worth documenting the fix somewhere.

The fix:


Run write('CURL_SSL_BACKEND=openssl', file = "~/.Renviron", append = TRUE) in your R session. Restart your R session Run curl::curl_version()$ssl_version and confirm the return is OpenSSL/1.1.1m (Schannel) (note the numbers may be different) Try remotes::install_github() (e.g., devtools::install_github('tidyverse/dplyr') ) . It should work and continue to work in future R sessions. Full details: This curl R package vignette explains the 2 different backends for curl for windows users and how to switch between them. My computer defaulted to secure channel (called "Schannel"), which I discovered by calling curl::curl_version()$ssl_version

I then wrote to my .Renviron file to default to using SSL instead: write('CURL_SSL_BACKEND=openssl', file = "~/.Renviron", append = TRUE)

And then restarted my r session. I double-checked the backend being used by calling curl::curl_version()$ssl_version The return was "OpenSSL/1.1.1m (Schannel)", confirming OpenSSL was being used (the one not in parentheses). If you have a different version of OpenSSL, the numbers may be different for you in the return.

From there, I was able to use devtools::install_github(), and utils::download.file and jsonlite::fromJSON to download files/info from github.

I think the .Renviron file will mean the backend specified will be set as the backend to use the first time curl is used in a session, so running write('CURL_SSL_BACKEND=openssl', file = "~/.Renviron", append = TRUE) one time per computer should fix the issue.

If you wanted to switch back to the old backend, the line in the .Renviron file could be removed.

k-doering-NOAA commented 6 days ago

in this doc for now: