noaa-onms / climate-dashboard

dashboard of climate indicators across sanctuaries
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+ other climate projection variables with `process_nc.R` #2

Closed bbest closed 1 year ago

bbest commented 1 year ago

add other climate projection variables

Looking at the nc variable output with:

File /Users/bbest/Github/noaa-onms/climate-dashboard/data/Climate_projections/ (NC_FORMAT_NETCDF4):

     13 variables (excluding dimension variables):
        double SST_mean[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            _FillValue: NaN
            long_name: Potential Temperature
            units: degC
            grid_loc: 3111
            cell_methods: time:mean latitude:mean longitude:mean realization:mean
            standard_name: sea_surface_temperature
            coordinates: delta_sigma_t
        double SST_stdev[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            _FillValue: NaN
            long_name: Potential Temperature
            units: degC
            grid_loc: 3111
            cell_methods: time:mean latitude:mean longitude:mean realization:standard_deviation
            standard_name: sea_surface_temperature
            coordinates: delta_sigma_t
        double Chl_mean[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            _FillValue: NaN
            long_name: Total Chlorophyll
            units: mg/m^3
            grid_loc: 3114
            cell_methods: time:mean latitude:mean longitude:mean realization:mean
            standard_name: mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water
            coordinates: delta_sigma_t
        double Chl_stdev[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            _FillValue: NaN
            long_name: Total Chlorophyll
            units: mg/m^3
            grid_loc: 3114
            cell_methods: time:mean latitude:mean longitude:mean realization:standard_deviation
            standard_name: mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water
            coordinates: delta_sigma_t
        double HMXL_DR_mean[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            _FillValue: NaN
            long_name: Mixed-Layer Depth (density)
            units: meter
            grid_loc: 2110
            cell_methods: time:mean latitude:mean longitude:mean realization:mean
            standard_name:  ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_t
            coordinates: delta_sigma_t
        double HMXL_DR_stdev[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            _FillValue: NaN
            long_name: Mixed-Layer Depth (density)
            units: meter
            grid_loc: 2110
            cell_methods: time:mean latitude:mean longitude:mean realization:standard_deviation
            standard_name:  ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_t
            coordinates: delta_sigma_t
        double PH_mean[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            _FillValue: NaN
            long_name: Surface pH
            units: 1
            grid_loc: 2110
            cell_methods: time:mean latitude:mean longitude:mean realization:mean
            coordinates: delta_sigma_t
        double PH_stdev[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            _FillValue: NaN
            long_name: Surface pH
            units: 1
            grid_loc: 2110
            cell_methods: time:mean latitude:mean longitude:mean realization:standard_deviation
            coordinates: delta_sigma_t
        double SSS_mean[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            _FillValue: NaN
            long_name: Salinity
            units: gram/kilogram
            grid_loc: 3111
            cell_methods: time:mean latitude:mean longitude:mean realization:mean
            standard_name: sea_surface_salinity
            coordinates: delta_sigma_t
        double SSS_stdev[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            _FillValue: NaN
            long_name: Salinity
            units: gram/kilogram
            grid_loc: 3111
            cell_methods: time:mean latitude:mean longitude:mean realization:standard_deviation
            standard_name: sea_surface_salinity
            coordinates: delta_sigma_t
        double lat_bounds[bounds,lat]   (Contiguous storage)  
            _FillValue: NaN
        double lon_bounds[bounds,lon]   (Contiguous storage)  
            _FillValue: NaN
        double delta_sigma_t[]   (Contiguous storage)  
            _FillValue: NaN
            standard_name: sea_water_sigma_t_difference
            long_name: sigma_t difference used to define mixed layer depth.
            units: kg m-3

     4 dimensions:
        time  Size:3012 
            long_name: boundaries for time-averaging interval
            standard_name: time
            units: microseconds since 1850-01-16T13:00:00.000001
            calendar: noleap
        lat  Size:1 
            _FillValue: NaN
            bounds: lat_bounds
            standard_name: latitude
            units: degrees_north
        bounds  Size:2 (no dimvar)
        lon  Size:1 
            _FillValue: NaN
            bounds: lon_bounds
            standard_name: longitude
            units: degrees_east

    9 global attributes:
        title: Ensemble-mean time series from the CESM 2 Large Ensemble for the Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary
        summary: This dataset was extracted from the Community Earth System Model version 2 large ensemble (CESM2-LE). We used 50 ensemble members from the CESM2-LE, with CMIP6 aerosol forcing for the historical + SSP370 future scenario, which covers the period 1850 to 2100. We provide the ensemble mean and the standard deviation for each variable at monthly frequency.
        featureType: timeSeries
        institution: NCAR
        time_coverage_resolution: P1M
        date_created: 2023-04-26T12:35:31.977138Z
        coordinates: lat_bounds lon_bounds
bbest commented 1 year ago

With commit added new tabset Forecast and other nc variables: chl, ph, mld, sss. Generalized into datasets.csv with more metadata per variable.


TODO: fix Monitor (no data for some vars)