noah-nuebling / mac-mouse-fix

Mac Mouse Fix - Make Your $10 Mouse Better Than an Apple Trackpad!
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Ability to exclude apps [enhancement] #973

Open alkusin opened 1 month ago

alkusin commented 1 month ago


A tab in settings where we could blacklist specific applications so that MMF ignore them.


Would be really useful for some apps, especially games, where smooth scrolling may cause multiple scroll counts (which results in selecting the wrong item in inventory or mess with map zoom for example) and gestures may trigger while using buttons 4 and 5 (which results in being kicked to Mission Control while you just wanted to make an action in-game). I talk about games but it can also be a problem in some pro applications.

Mos app (smooth scroll) has an exceptions tab if you want to look at it.

Currently I had to set an AppleScript that quits MMF when I launch those games and reactivate it when I close them. I can personally live with it but for other people it's not user friendly.

Additional info

Thank you for MMF and keep up the good work.

0rangeFox commented 1 month ago

Hey 👋, I was going to mention this too, but I've seen that several people have reported this problem, which ends up being annoying because I have to constantly go to the bar and deactivate the mouse option so I can use the buttons and then activate it again when I don't need it anymore.

Mainly #965, that's what I'm talking about, basically I'm a developer too and it gets a bit annoying when it comes to using certain apps that require these buttons.

Kastakin commented 4 weeks ago

This in my opinion is of paramount importance, I was actually quite surprised it was not possibile to allow smooth scroll only on some applications.

Photoshop and many games a re practically unusable without disabling the smooth scrolling.

I would say this is the only feature that really makes me want to go back to free albeit less refined solutions like MOS.

alkusin commented 4 weeks ago

If you only need smooth scroll, imho Mos is by far the best app (and it is free). MMF is way more than that though, but without exceptions it is inconceivable for most people.