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Brayden Umbrella Ticket Completed Ticket- #16

Open BraydenBasinger opened 3 years ago

BraydenBasinger commented 3 years ago

Completed Ticket Code Here:

I did this to see a stock chart in a website. It looks like an embedded graph that has all the information you need to make an educated investing decision. To see this code running. Go to the runtime link, click on the stocks_here, and click on Stocks. Here you will see the stocks widget that shows the AAPL stock history. You can also compare it to other companies like MSFT.

noahahooja commented 3 years ago

Nice api added and embedded pictures/videos about stocks, try to add parts where users can interact more with the idea of a stock simulator.

ryanmgds commented 3 years ago

Nice use of api, adds solid part to project allowing users to interact. Impressive work and i like the idea. Maybe now extend on with this into simulator.

macddmac commented 3 years ago

Hey Brayden, from what I see you are working on the front end for your project in order to better show the theme. I like the chart you created because I think it is a great way to establish the theme. In order to take this to the next level maybe you can integrate a database/api into this in order to allow the user to have their own control over what they see.

JettKim commented 3 years ago

Dang Brayden you lookin good at coding. You should teach Nathan some of this impressive stuff.

carterquartararo commented 3 years ago

Good Idea to help add more of a body to the website and add more Depth. Good to see ideas like this as it is something that I would of never thought of.