noahahooja / p4schlimes

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Ryan- stock description and AAPL chart, plus additional videos 6/8/21 #25

Open ryanmgds opened 3 years ago

ryanmgds commented 3 years ago

I wanted to add this because it brought a nice addition to our website, with an API to apple stock. It explained what a stock is to users and gave additional videos on stocks. link to code- link to runtime-

noahahooja commented 3 years ago

Nice addition to the website and good for the users to have when navigating, but maybe add some text that connects this with our project specifically. This should be obvious............

1855495 commented 3 years ago

Great job! Ryan

carterquartararo commented 3 years ago

Way to incorporate and API into our project and do it in a way that pushes towards our overall project goals.